Furpants McGee

40, Female

Tustin, CA aka THE OC!

United States

Profile Information:

Brea, California, USA
About Me:
Newly married as of June 7th, my husband and I have decided to add a corgi friend to our family and absolutely can't wait. I'm looking forward to gaining as much knowledge as I can so that I can be a great corgi parent. :)
About My Corgi(s):
Abby joined our family on Saturday, July 19th, 2008. She is a tri-colored Cardigan Welsh Corgi and is LOADS of fun! She's learning things so quickly, and it's just so exciting to have her in our lives. :)

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  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    I am sure it is one of the hardest things you are going through, hopefully it will make you a stronger person. Ive been meaning to tell you I really enjoy the song on your site, Black and Gold by Sam Sparro, it is the first time I have heard it, the song has a good beat.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Some corgis also like to climb as we found out with Lance! Just when you think they are done being puppies they arent, not too long ago Lance jumped up on a chair and jumped up on the table to lick off the table because the table was not cleaned up yet! Luckily I heard his tags jingle I turned around and was so surprised to see my corgi standing on top of our kitchen table! What corgis will do for food! I hope that Jake is coming around, but I would too be cautious because you dont want him to put you through this again. I can imagine it is very hard, sounds like you are handling it in the right way. Emotions can only take so much.
  • Butter

    Just checking in on you today....Joy
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Glad to hear Abby is feeling better.
  • Butter

    Hope you had a great time last night and could forget about everything for awhile...did Jake show? I'm not good with advice because have never been through this but I would take it slow; protect yourself and your emotions. I would hate to see you go through this again. I am still praying for you, write when you want, take care, Leslie Joy
  • Juel

    Hello! I am sorry to hear you didn't sleep well! may be you can try to curl up with your kitty istead of locking it in the bathroom. I am sure that all your fur babies are having just as hard time adjusting to what is going on as you are! They are also getting a lot of your emotional vibes. it would be good for both of you to maybe have some extra interaction maybe cuddle, or play string. if you just want to talk i am always available.
  • Butter

    Glad you had a good time. yes, it must be hard to see Jake go at the end of the night. I really think you are handling things really well! I agree with Juel's advice, take the talking animal to bed. I have started to do that with Butter and thunderstorms. Rather than have him bark all night, I put a sheet on my bed and let him sleep there, then he quiets down. The only problem is, he now wants to sleep there all the time and he takes up way too much room; also I'm not supposed to have my dog in the bedroom. A cat is probably different; don't know if they develop habitual habits (OK, itis late and I am tired so forget about the grammatical mistake in the last part of this sentence LOL
    Well, I have to go and give Butter his massage before I wish him "nightie night". He is usually half asleep while I do it but he seems to love it anyhow. Take care, Joy PS I was impressed with Butter the other night, I was crying and he actually got a toy and brought it to me to play with. He hasn't done this in awhile, being a typical male, he runs from emotion LOL but his soft side is starting to come back. (must be the neutering haha) JJ & BB
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi Leslie,
    How are you? I just noticed you took down your wedding pictures.
    I like the new beach pictures, how fun. Is Jake coming around at all? I hope you are doing ok. Natalie
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hello, I bet the beach was fun but messy! Lance hasnt been to a beach, he has been to Lake Superior for a walk on a leash but the water there is way to cold to swim! I am glad that he has agreed to do counseling, that is a good thing. It must be hard to see him leave after being with him. Hopefully the counseling will help and things can start to get better. I do have some new pictures to put up, I am just way behind. I have really cute ones of him with his Chicago Bears jersey and his doggie football in his mouth! He really isnt changing much size wise so I can get away with putting up the pictures late : ) The Chicago Bears pictures of him are so cute. Football season is just about here and I wanted to get them put up at football time, so I need to get on that! I still seem to take a ton of pictures of him but after awhile they all start looking alike, lol. Good to hear from you, take care and talk to you soon. Natalie
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi Leslie,
    Feeling good about ones self is important. Try not to let it get to you too much, easier said than done. I am not happy about everything about my weight either, it is very hard and sure even harder if the medicine is affecting. Focus on the good points about yourself and maybe that will help you with your self image. Personality plays a huge role as well in my opinion, everyone wants to look good but if you dont have the personality to go with it what good are the looks. Over the years I have put on a decent amount of weight since my wedding and so has my husband, in the end I think personality outweighs looks. It is hard for everyone to look at things the way I do, especially with society today wanting everyone to look like Barbie! Maybe talking to your doctor about switching meds maybe one that will be more forgiving with weight sounds like a good idea eventually. I wish medicine wouldnt affect peoples weight, that just doesnt seem fair. Weight is hard enough without medicine playing tricks on our weight. I wish you luck, I hope you are able to figure it out. Remember, the most important thing I have found in life is to like yourself first, it will make it easier for others to like you. I think that is how the saying goes.....see my memory is going...help!
    Sorry it is so long, hope what I have said makes sense to you. Yes it is nice having a dog to get us out of the house on walks, I know Lance helps us out with that too. : )
  • Butter

    Good for trying to teach her the wave! How is she doing, haha? How are you doing? I know, letting them swim is so much work but they love it so much. Laurence took him for a walk last night and he let him free and quick as anything he was over the bank and swimming in the ocean (and it is getting pretty cold!!!) He rinsed him off with the garden hose but it is too bad, he had just had a bath and smelled so clean and now he isn't smelling as good. I'm not going to be on-line for awhile...have a lot to deal with so I'll talk to you when I'm back. Take care, Joy
  • Sylvia & Timmy

    Oh boy, I'll bet that was fun to watch. I always think that the look on their faces is sheer joy and ecstasy while they're running around and around doing circles and figure eights. I'm glad to hear that she's enjoying her puppyhood. Have you signed up for training classes yet? I'll bet a Petsmart or humane society close to you will be having some classes.
  • Juel

    Good afternoon! I hope your day is going well! give abbey scratches and a hug for me! I am glad you two had fun at the beach!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Leslie, just wanted to say Hi! The pictures of the puppy and cat are precious, you need to blow them up and get them framed! I love number 8 is my favorite, 9 and 18 and so adorable as well.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Oh no, how is the kitty missing? Did you post signs up? I hope you find kitty! How long has kitty been missing for?
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    How is dance class?
  • Butter

    Congrats on your nephew; he is adorable. You must be so excited!!! How are you doing? Joy
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi! You are so lucky to have a new nephew, I cant wait for the day for my siblings to have some nephews/neices!! How much fun you must be having, how awesome! They grow up so fast, just like puppies!!
    Too fast!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Its hard to be on a yo you rollercoaster, I hope Jake can come around sooner than later. Yes, sounds like Abbey is hitting her "teenage years" and they do like to test during that time, it is best to be consistent and firm like you are doing. It seems like when we take Lance for walks he is tired out and then like the engergizer bunny is ready to play again!!!! They do keep us on our toes, which is a good thing. If Lance gets too bored he will make sure that we know it by getting ahold of someones shoe, so it is best to always be on our toes!! Is your sister expecting a baby? I thought I read that somewhere? Hopefully you will be able to enjoy your sisters baby, there is nothing like your own sisters baby : ) Even with all the long distance phone calls I used to make it still didnt seem to help with my sister-in-law, It is a different experience than a sister in law, although I still am waiting to experience it myself! My sister in law and brother in law live out of state, which makes it so much harder : (
    Keeping you in my prayers that Jake and you can keep moving forward and soon will be together again with out so much of the rollercoaster effect.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    oops should be yo yo not yo you!
  • Karen & Bailey

    "Nessum Dorma" is playing right now and Bailey totally freaked! lol. he went to hide under the coffee table then let out a low toned woof. lol.. now hes just doing that head tilt and watching my laptop.... =P
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    What a cute picture, yes it turned out right!
  • Butter

    That's amazing re the waving. It must be because they are Cardigans, with tails. My husband is sure that their tail stuck on in back helps balance them. Arlette's Cardi does it too. It is too adorable, isn't it? I always want to run over and hug him as he is doing it but as soon as I try I tip his balance and he starts to fall down.
    Yes, get a video up quick. I think I'll start a new group and the 3 of us can join and post our videos and see if any other Corgis on here can wave.
    I haven't been in touch because I've been dealing with a lot of health issues and very exhuasted and discouraged. I'm glad the Lord lifted you up....i know what you mean, this has happened to me but right now it isn't, not sure why. How is the couples counselling going....any signs of him wanting to come back.
    Sorry you had to take on a second job...do you still have someone living in your livingroom? Take care and write when you can, Joy
  • Butter

    PS Liked your "Low rider" picture, too funny!
  • Juel

    Hi my friend! I hope everything with you is going well! Hug Abbey for Me! do you have video of Abbey waving?
  • Juel

    so glad to here that you are staying positive, sometimes that is the biggest battle! My Corgi got put on hold.I had to move out of my house. so i had to find a new place. It has taken awhile but I Have a wonderful house to move into Nov 1 , and my new landlord is willing to let me bring my boyfriends German Shepard, and maybe get my corgi. although my savings are going to the deposit it may take a while. I am getting so excited about the house! We are going to have a big christmas this year. hope my boyfriend likes tinsel hehehe!
  • Juel

    Good luck on the job search! the job market there has to be rough! My thoughts and prayers are with you!
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    We took Riley to the vet back in April and the vet said he thought it was cancer then, but it could be allergies. He gave him cortizone shot. Well by July he had spots everywhere! We took him to the vet every month they didn't know what it was, they did blood tests no cancer showed up, they did skin scraps.By the time they diagnosed it as a rare skin cancer they said there was nothing they could do he was past the stages of chemo. They said that would only make him sick the cancer had spread through his body. He acted like nothing was wrong he still had all his spunk and we just prayed and prayed. I believe god has made him last these last few hard weeks and I am thankful for every moment more I have had. He was doing great. The last few days he doesn't even want to eat meat so we know that time is coming soon where we will have to end his suffering. I dont want to be selfish and I don't want him to be in pain but I know that he is hanging in there for me. Even though he doesn't want to eat when he sees me he eats just a little because he hears me say "good dog"! My parents made that horrible appointment for saturday the 27th, I am still hoping for a miracle and a change, but I do not want him in pain. This is soooo hard! I have never felt this much love for a dog because we have never had such a good one until now.
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Thanks for the site but I'm afraid my parents are going to put him down soon no matter what because he is leaking blood, moving really slow, and the sores...oh they are painful to see so we cant imagine what he feels~

    I have to say that is the cutest photo I have ever seen. The dog and cat!! Did you get them at the same time? That is just too cute! Photos like that make me feel better:)
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    That first photo of your puppy is hilarious I loved it! Thanks for that poem, reading sweet things like that is a life saver
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Did you find your kitty?
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Yes Lance is going to be a bumblebee for Halloween! I am debating whether or not I will take him for the walk along with my kids for trick or treating, I am thinking I may have him play at doggie day care tire him out and then take him with the kids! That would be cute if you dressed up as little bo beep and dressed Abbey as the sheep, too cute! let me know if you do, I will need to see pictures!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    They really are too precious dressed up!
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Thank for that really sweet poem. I got through stages where I can't stop crying and then others where I can talk about it and be happy he isnt suffering. This is so hard. Thanks again for the poem
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    One day I hope to put a happier song for his page, but for now that is how I feel so I wanted to relate the page to it. As each day goes by I am able to talk about it more and am starting to feel a little better
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi Leslie, Did you happen to watch Dancing with the stars tonight? They had a dance performance to the song Black and Gold!! It was really cool performance, I thought of you because your site is where I first heard of the song.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    It was a performance not part of the judging! There were several couples maybe about 4......their outfits were black and gold too! Any luck with your job search? Hope you are doing ok. Natalie
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    That is cool you play the piano!
  • Butter

    Hi Leslie, long time no talk. I've been sick so a bit out of touch...still thinking of you and praying for you. How are things going? How is the counselling going? Do you think that you two will be able to get back together? Are you still doing ballet? Abby is adorable, as usual. Take care, Joy
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Thank you, no I don't think you are lecturing me. I need to hear what helped others so I can help myself. I am so sorry for your loss! I guess I will tell you the same"hang in there"It is hard! Some days are better than others. I had a happy dream he was running around in heaven...That photo with your pup and the mirror is so cute. When Riley was a pup I remember he used to bark at himself in my mirror...and then lick it lol
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Yeah I am glad that we can all share stories on here about our wierd dogs lol Corgis just have a personality about them that is so different from other dogs.We are doing ok here hanging in there. I have been reading books on pet loss and also writing my feelings and memories. It seems to be helping
  • Trice

    Hey there! just wondering how the Dog Services classes are going. You mentioned you are starting in September. I am still debating on using them vs. another training group. Any feedback so far? How are you liking it?
  • Butter

    Hi Leslie, how are you doing? I just stumbled upon a group you may want to join...called "Corgis of Christian Owners" for followers of Jesus Christ. Still praying for you and yours. Take care, Joy and Butter
  • Sam

    OH MY GOODNESS! i have never seen a tri color with that pattern before SHES SOOO CUTE!!!!
  • Erin-the mom of...1 Corgi's

    Abby looks like she is going to keep you very busy. Hope things work our for you, if not KEEP THE DOG. At lease they are loyal..
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Hey it has been awhile since I have been on here. How are you doing? I am doing ok. My sister got me a plate with a picture of a corgi and Riley's name written beside it for a christmas present. It was very thoughful. I think next year early feb/march I might be getting a puppy and starting over. I am excited and I know Riley would want me to be happy and stop crying and move on. I can never forget him though you know...
  • Juel

    Hello! I just wanted to send you a note to see how you all are doing, Hope your Christmas and New Year are wonderful! Merry Christmas!
  • Butter

    Hi Leslie! Still think about you and wonder how you are doing? I really hope and pray that things are better for you!! Drop me a short line (or long if you like) sometime...would love to know how you are. Joy and Butter PS Miss you!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hope you have a great birthday tomm! Hope your doing well, thinking of you and hoping all is ok.
  • Deanna