Suzanne S. Aaron


Indianapolis, IN

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Proud "mama" to our tri-color Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Copperhead Rochester, a.k.a. "Chester".
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Chester is a tri-color Pembroke Welsh Corgi, born 3/14/1999.
I have:

Comment Wall:


    Hi & welcome Suzanne...Chester looks ALOT like my Tallulah!!
  • Bob Stevens

    Trevor and Neville are glad to have cousin Chester as a friend. That picture of Chester running on the sidewalk when he was just a little puppy is one of my all time favorites.
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Suzanne and Chester! He sure is a cutie :)
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hello and Welcome!!
  • Kaydee Toffoli

    your corgi is too cute! I just got my little Bene less than a week ago and have lots of questions, did you get yours as a puppy?
  • Tammey & Caven

  • Staci B & Howie

    I love the profile pic of the action shot of your pup running! so cool!
  • Kaydee Toffoli

    yes i am, we had a boston terrier and we was pretty easy to train for the most part, it just took a long time. I know every puppy varies. Ya Bene came from a Angus cow farm and he is pretty funny, now that I have had him for a couple of days his personality has really started to come out and it is just to funny!