Stephanie Teachout


Chipley, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Panama City, Florida
About Me:
I absolutely love corgis. I have a mixed corgi named Rexie Bear but I am looking for a new baby, I just can't seem to find one! Any help would be great!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My corgi mix is named Rexie Bear ( because I think he looks like a little teddy bear :) ) He is the sweetest. I found him at the pound because someone dropped him off because they thought he was too hyper ( which he isn't at all). He has the best personality of any dog I have ever met or had.
I have:
Corgi mix

Comment Wall:

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hello and Welcome!!


    Welcome Stephanie!!
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Stephanie and Rexie Bear! Good luck in your search. We also started with a corgi mox; his name is Bruce and he's 15 now. A year and a half ago we added Sidney, our Pembroke.
  • christy fry

    welcome to the group!!
  • Edward and Gemima

    Puppy kisses and stump wags from Edward and Gem!!! 2 corgis are more fun than 1! Wish I could find one for you closer to home! I know of one that is in our local paper right now, but that doesn't help much unless you are planning on visiting Mn to see some beautiful Fall leaves!!!!
  • Edward and Gemima

    It took me a long time to find Edward and Gem too. They are hard to find here in Mn although I've met some Corgi friends over the Summer. Keep looking!
  • Roger/Laurie

    Welcome..yes 2 corgi's are better than 1. At least they play together and use up some of that high energy. It is usually Chepstow chasing Tenby, then they rest and start again.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Edward and Gemima

    GreetScraps - -Ning Comments!
  • Tammey & Caven

  • Deanna

  • Pat Grissett

    Hi Stephanie, Thanks for adding me as a friend.. we're in the same "neck" of the woods.. Rexie Bear is very pretty and for a mixed he looks very Corgi! So glad you were able to adopt him and give him a great home.

  • Pat Grissett

    Hi, what a small world! We've been in Chipley about 8 years..husband born and raised here but we lived in Jax until he retired--then the move here. We actually got our Corgis from a "breeder" in Alabama.. he was recommended to us but I wouldn't use him or recommend him-- our female has hip dysplasia in both hips and he wasn't concerned about it and even bred his female again after we alerted him to the problem. It's a shame really..but I know there are good breeders out's just finding the good ones. Good luck- hope you can find one. Who is your vet, if I may ask?
  • Pat Grissett

    We take our pups to Panhandle Vets on Falling Waters..we usually see Dr. Anderson.. We like him but do miss our vet in Jacksonville.. She was awesome. We have had a lot of experience with the University of Fl.. our first female had a blown disk and had surgery there and they were wonderful. She was home 3 days after the surgery and acting like normal. Good luck finding a good breeder..I think there are some good ones around Volusia County or anywhere south.