
Columbus, GA

United States

Profile Information:

Fargo, North Dakota
About Me:
We are temporarily living in Columbus, GA till we move to Germany in November. We're newlyweds with our only child being Pi.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Pi randomly runs about the house, then stops and gets you to run with her. She loves anything with a pulse, and some without. She is a face licker, a booty shaker, and will tear soft toys apart and spread fuzz everywhere, oh and she also tries to bury treats in the blankets.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Hey Chris and Marie! Welcome! I love your profile pic of Pi, such a cutie :) Heidi, a member here is also from Fargo, hope you get to meet her soon.
  • GusBus

    Yep. Joel works for IPC - do you do any biking? The new shop (located at the Great Northern Depot) is just about up and running!
  • Violet

    I'm that customer with the corgi you told about this site! Thanks, it's super cute!
  • Violet

    45th is the park of
  • Samantha Kim

    Marie! Hey!!! How are you guys!!! Glad you found me!!! Pi is adorable!!! How is Georgia???
  • Samantha Kim

    What can I say I am daring enough to challenge the intelligence, beauty, and charisma of any puppy to my Poh!