Gretchen, Gaelen, and Ein!!

45, Female

Springfield, MO

United States

Profile Information:

Springfield MO
About Me:
I'm kind of a rockstar wannabe stuck in a corporate nightmare.. lol best way to describe it!
I'm closer to 30 than I want to admit, been married for 5 years this summer.. no kids aside from my Corgi baby and 5 cats!!
I love music, the Theatre, and books, and writing.. also I am a Doctor Who addict!!
Anything else you want to know, just ask me!!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Ein is a Pembroke Welsh Corgi, born 7/29/08.. and he is an awesome puppy!! He's named for a character in the Anime Series Cowboy Bebop, mostly because that is my husband's favorite series!! We plan on getting a second Corgi in a couple of years, 5 cats and a baby Corgi are playing havoc in our house, so we're going to wait a bit..
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Gretchen and Ein! What cute markings he has. We are big theater fans here in San Diego too.
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Gretchen and Ein!
  • Corgi lover! (Misty)

    What a cutie! Welcome!
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Welcome! Ein is a cutie! : )
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    At least your closer to 30 than 40! : )
  • Kristen

    Welcome Gretchen and Ein. One of my corgis came from Willard, jugt a short jaunt from Springfield (Cartwright Corgis) Ein is truly adoreable.
  • Kristen

    We got Brodie from Rob and Lacy Cartwright. They live on an acreage outside of Willard. They also had a Newfie and a Great Pyrennees. Super nice people.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Tina and Cooper

    Ein is so cute ,,thanks for the comments on Cooper..Labadie is a nice place but we are moving this summer to the woods,,lol :o)our land has a beautiful creek that Cooper loves,,who you know in Labadie?? small town i might know them and if i don't my son Jesse will :o)
  • Tina and Cooper

    Hoffsteader??sorry dont know the spelling
  • Tina and Cooper

    OMG thats weard,,My Son Jesse was good friends their son Nathan,who was killed too on highway T,,,that was a horrable accident,,and im so sorry for the loss,,,,ive got chills,,glad i asked
  • Tina and Cooper

    Yea small world,,,,I do photography too,,,thats weird, I havent tak=lked to mary beth,,we wernt friend realy,,,I just new Nathan through school and My son Jesse and boyscouts too..Nice to talk to you :o)
  • Maria Rosenthal

    Ein is really cute. Our Corgi is a dark nose too. I believe they call them "smutty " noses. Enjoy and good luck!

  • Elizabeth, Hermione and Luna

    Hi Gretchen,
    we live in Springfield too! ( Willard.) our girls are just babies, they were born in Dec. of 2009.

    We have two corgis and two cats. No more animals for us! Did you end up getting another corgi?