christy fry


Vancouver, WA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I'm a avid corgi lover,
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I have a 3 yr. tri boy (jordan)
2 year tri girl (teagen)
9 yr lab cody
Jordan and Teagen are young and vibrant corgi's who love their girls at Camp Good Puppy every Friday they wake me up anxious to get to daycare!! Cody is my Lab that went deaf mid-life and is an easy going joy to have in my life he balances the crazy corgi's out nicely.
I have:

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  • Benny (& Cameron)

    Thanks for the welcome! I'll happily climb the mountain!
  • lee w

    Thanks for the welcome. It was a quick approval process. Looking forward to reading around.
  • Laura Rentz

    thanks for info on the meetup group. We dont have a corgi yet but are on the hunt for one.
  • Cynispin

    Thank you!
  • Laura Rentz

    hello. My parents corgi is from beth cramer in Molalla OR. She was born in Aug of 08. When was yours born?
  • Leonardo Felin

    Thanks Christy. Sunny hasn't arrived yet. I'm REALLY anxious. :)

    Thank you for the welcome I am happy to be here. Dorothy
  • Alex, Kayla, and Marley

    Thank you so much!! your pups are soo cute!
  • Virginia Dunham

    Thank You for the welcome...we are the VERY proud owners of Emma, an adopted Corgi. We have had her two years this month...and she will be 8 years young this neighbors refer to her as the happiest dog that they have ever seen!!!
    Virginia, Roger, and Emma
  • Miriam Vella

    OMG - this is great! loved looking at the pictures!! They look so happy. Great to see these little guys and the older ones together.
  • Jen and Miss Harley

    Thank you, you Corgi's are SO cute! I love seeing the different shapes and colors they come in
  • Lara & HAM

    Thank you :) You're corgis are so cute! I love it when they stand tall on their hind legs!
  • Bruce Tisdale

    Thank you Christy Fry
  • Laura Rentz

    Yes my parents corgi is the daughter of Rocky...I am not sure about the mom. He is actually being rehomed. I contacted Beth Cramer to see if she was having any puppies soon, and she is having to find to find new homes for her dogs. Very Sad.
  • Jamie Burdick

    Thank you! Your pup is so adorable :)
  • Ashley McNeal

    Thank you for the welcome
  • Tina Dry

    Hi and thanks for the welcome. Your babies are so cute! I really want another one sooo bad but where I live I can only "legally" have 2 dogs and I already have 3 so I guess I better not push my luck! Tina and Smoke.
  • Jane Christensen

    Hi Christy!
    Thank you so much, we got out panties for the two ladies today! They are very nice! Wynn didn't think it was funny that we tried them on him though!

    Jane, Bella and Livvy!
  • Mochi

    Hi and thank you! Christy fry is a cute pup!!! Love the colors...
  • Susan McMillen

    Thank you Christy!! Having fun with the new little girl:)
  • Jennifer Morris

    thank you for the welcome. Yeah pervious boy was on the bigger side he was over 30lbs and the kids now are so small, well in comparison that is. You have two lil dolls!!!!
  • Mitchell Stewart

    Thanks for the warm welcome :)
  • Liz Hart

    Thank you Christy!!!
  • Liz Hart

    Thanks so much!!!!
  • Emily Roundflowers

    Hello! Thx for the welcome! Cheers!
  • Bax & Zigs & Rosie

    Hi there! Thanks for the welcome! =D
  • Emily & Willow

    Thank you for your welcome. Your dogs are adorable!
  • Maggie Wenning

    Hi Christy, thank you for your welcome. Your pics really touched me, i too had a black lab her named was Katie, she was very very dear to me. Katie crossed over Rainbow Bridge three years ago, she was fourteen when she passed there is not a day that goes by that i do not think of her, but i know i will be with her one day.My husband gave me by Corgi Max LaHue after Katie's passing, i did'nt think i could love another pet as i have loved her, but i must say Max LaHue is amazing, he is with me every part of my day. He is sitting here beside as i type.Max, is amazing, his never ending smile lightens my heart, i have not had time to uploadhis pics, but i will get to it soon . Peace and Corgi Blessings, Maggie
  • Cindy Kay

  • Chris Williams

    Thanks for the welcome. Those are cute Tris. I bet that lab just rolls his eyes at their craziness.
  • McCalls Pembroke Welsh Corgis

    Yes we will be attending and can help in any way needed seeing that the park is right down the street from us! I know Dexter will go for sure and hopefully Anabelle too seeing she might be having pups at the end of April/ start of May. We will see what the vet says:)
  • janice kay

    thank you... i still feel like a new parent to my girlie...learning as much as i can about these breed... all i have to say is that she has so blessed me...:)
  • Jessica Weaver

    Thanks! I actually had a 2nd cousin named Christy Fry, how funny.
  • Jessica Weaver

    Thank You
  • Jean Rademacher

    Hi Christy
    I have 3 corgi and they are all loved so much by our family. The male is Harley, and the 2 females are Chili and Cricket. We have a very large back yard fenced so they get a lot of running, squirrel chasing and even some rabbit chasing. They love the snow in the winter and will roll in the new snow. Sometimes one is in the house and sometimes all three come in for play and petting.
    What a great breed they are.
  • Jill Usher

    Thank you for the welcome! Now I need to post a picture of Jake. I came here looking for some support. My 2.5 yr old Pem possibly pulled or tore a ligament in his left back leg about a month ago and the vet saw him twice. Gave him anti-anflammitories but to no avail, so we booked an Ortho appt on Apr 23. THEN, we went to Vegas and had to board the dogs (a great place with doggie daycare everyday and they LOVE it). He rested and played there with other dogs for 5 days. So, on Wed this week he comes back and collapsed playing and now it's his good leg. So, the poor thing is dragging his back end around. I called vet immediately, they changed his anti-inflammatory to something stronger and now I have a Ortho appt bumped up to Apr 13th. I'm so depressed over this. Poor Jakey is so sad and just wants to play ball but can't even walk!
  • Veronica, Alex & Conan

    Hi Christy, Thank you! Your pups are so cute! =)
  • Laura Bishop

    Thanks, Christy. I'm looking forward to checking out this site. Maybe I'll find another Corgi on it, some day. We have an airedale/golden retriever mix and a schnauzer - both were rescues. Casey, the airedale, misses having Murphy to play with. Benny is the schnauzer and is blind, so he plays some but not as much. At some point, we'll have another corgi and this site might be a good resource for us! Laura
  • Crystal Haslip

    Thank you so much for the warm welcom, it's nice to see friendly people right off the hop.
  • Katie and Yuki

    Oh my goodness what an beautifully marked corgi!!!
  • Liz Hart

    Thanks for the welcome!
  • Gary Zellers

    Thank you very much. i will try to get pics of our pups up soon.
  • Natalie P

    Thanks very much...I'll put up some pics of my baby boy!
  • Ashley King

    Hi! Thank you :)
    He sure is a sweetie too!
    We don't want to randomly breed him either, but we would love some advice on it. Your little one is super adorable too!
  • Dayanara Myleen

    Thanks <333
  • Sasha!!

    Thanks for the welcome!! I just found this sight and it's exactly what I was hoping for!
  • Sasha!!

    Thanks!! That is one magic smile! Your's are awesome! Sasha is still only 8 months old! I can't wait till she gets a little older so she will stop dragn me outa bed everyday!
  • Annie Pritchett

    Thank you! We love our corgis :)
  • CaptainCorgi

    Thank you for commenting on my blog! That's awesome that you've won a picture of your corgz!

    You can send a pic to me over e-mail at or just on my comment wall on my page. :-)
  • Tris & Jeanne

    Thanks Christy! Your corgis are adorable!