Andy, Penny, and Chester


Iowa City, IA

United States

Profile Information:

Iowa City
About Me:
We live and work in Iowa City.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My wife and I have 2 Corgis, Penny and Chester. They are both Red Pembrokes.

Penny, a female, was born in 2003 to a breeder in a nearby city. She is the alpha in our pack and is very "fierce" and fiesty. She was diagnosed with Addison's in 2007, but has responded very well to our vet's expert treatment and is doing very well, thank you. She grew up with our part-Siamese cat, Poppy, and they harass each other in the very lazy manner of old friends. Penny really loves going for walks and seeing her town. After a mile or two, she will begrudgingly jump in the Corgi stroller with Chester and allow us to push her around town. When we took her to the Farmer's Market she immediately found a way to get out of the so-called "escape-proof" stroller and someone was feeding her an egg roll before I could even figure out how she got out. Penny enjoys petting, eating snacks, and prowling her garden to bark at the little chipmunk that lives in the downspout on the garage.

Chester, a male, was born no later than Spring 2001. He's a special rescue dog. We got him from our former vet, who rescued Chet from a puppy auction where he was being sold for $50. When we got Chet, he was 17 pounds, had a bald spot on top of his head, and was very "street" (e.g. unhousebroken, food-aggressive, etc.). Chet had been a stud dog at a puppy mill where he refused to breed. Because of this, the puppy mill owner punished Chet by keeping him in a cage outside in a "mudhole" for who knows how long. We took him and and gave him lots of love. It turns out he had undiagnosed diabetes, which has responded very well to treatment. He is now a healthy 28 lbs. plus and has all his hair back. He did have to have 18 teeth removed, but he is doing just fine now. We did not have any pedigree for him, but we did find, by chance, that he was microchipped. We tracked the microchip back to a vet supply store in Orange City, Iowa. They would not reveal the name of the breeder who had purchased it from them, but they made contact with the breeder and were told that the microchip was implanted in Spring 2001. That's Chet, our mystery man. He loves children, dinnertime, and snuggling on the couch.

We also have a wonderful tricolor Collie, Bailey. He gets along with the Corgis and protecting them is his job. We call him "Big Fluffy" because he's so fluffy and goofy. He is very sweet, even when Penny gets after him. Bailey thinks he is a very small dog, and likes to sleep in the Corgi beds. The Corgis know THEY are very big dogs, much bigger than the Collie.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hello and Welcome!!

  • Darlene Hennessy

    Welcome to my corgi!
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Andy, Penny and Chester!
  • Carol Rea

    Can I be Penny's special human friend? I myself have Addison's disease, and had heard that dogs can get it too (they tested our first corgi for it) Just keep her on her treatments and she will be least that is what they tell me, and I seem to be OK most of the time. I love the idea of the stroller!
  • Darlene Hennessy

    I love the story of your babies...they are very lucky to have you. Very cute too!!
  • Edward and Gemima

    welcome!! Cute little Corgis you have there!!!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Your Welcome!! Thanks for the compliment on Lance :) Poor Chester had it rough before he found you, thanks for rescuing him. Looking forward to seeing more pics of Chester and Penny. Glad to hear Penny is responding well to her treatment. :)
  • David

    Welcome from Yoda and David!