Missy D


Des Moines, IA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I love my Cardigans! My previous breeds were collies and shelties.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My first: Davenitch Kodiak Sky - Kodi - is a blue merle fluff (neutered) male. He was born December 12, 2008. He has graduated both puppy kindergarten and basic obedience. He loves sticks, bugs, water, tennis balls, and general mischief.

My new addition: Blacksheep Sweet Mystery of the Heart - Emma - was born January 22, 2010. She will be my first cardi showgirl. I was raised in a show home (collies), but haven't been in the ring for more than 30 years. She and I are on a great adventure!
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Nicole, Stanley and STELLA!

    Kodi is beautiful! I just got a Pembroke puppy, but my favorite Cardigans are the blue merles!
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    Welcome!!!! Your pup is very handsome!
  • Michelle

    Welcome!!! What a cute baby. ^-^
  • Chris West

    Kodi is sure super cute! We have to wait a few more weeks to see if my blue boy turns out to be fluff or not. I think they are very adorable, but am hoping to show my pup, so I won't be able to get him if he's a fluff. Was Avalanche a champion?
  • Chris West

    Yes, getting a show quality sure is pricey! I am just bummed that I was unable to find anywhere closer to get a blue. We live in Iowa and are going to have to drive to Arkansas to pick him up. 9 hours yuk! But I am exicited. I have had a few mutt dogs; our last had to be put down 3 years ago; but have wanted to get a corgi for about 15 years now. Just wanted to make sure I was ready before I commmitted.
  • Toby {Brenda}

    what a beautiful dog-- she is adorable...
  • Anne

    Welcome! Nice to see another cardi on here. Codi is very cute.
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Missy and Kodi! What a neat looking dog! :)
  • Christine Glossman

    Oh, don't tell Pumpkin, but I'm in love with Kodi. He is precious. This is the first blue merle fluff I've seen and he's so cute. Welcome!
  • Chris West

    That's would be awesome! We live in Ottumwa. I have no idea how to get started at shows. I have been through every club, organization, corgi and show site I can find trying to learn more. It is all very overwhelming! Right now I am just trying to concentrate on how to raise a corgi, and then we'll worry about show stuff. Do you have any advise? I am hoping they will have a few shows near us soon that I can go to and check it out.
  • Beth

    That's cool, I'm sure our dogs are related somehow. :) Kodi's gorgeous, I love his eyes.
  • Alice

    How adorable! His markings are similar to my Finnigan's.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hello and Welcome! Your fluffy carigan blue merle is precious!!!! Where did you find him? Cardigans are hard to come by let alone a fluffy blue!!!

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Awwww, that is soooooo awesome that Kodi and Lance are half brothers!!!!! I am looking forward to pictures of Kodi, I cant seem to get enough pics of Lance as you could tell on my page, with the corgi meet up slide shows plus the mycorgi slideshow! I finally starting putting the pictures in albums on here cause I have so many!!!! I still have plenty more to add, I just havent gotten around to it yet. :O)
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hello! Lance is wondering how his half brother is doing? We just got back from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, Eagle Harbor. Wow, what a long trip!! We drove straight through on the way up!! On the way home we drove half way and stayed at a hotel and then drove the rest the next day, which was nice. How are you?
  • Chris West

    Thanks Missy! I will definitely have to try and make it up for the show!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    I am so sorry to hear the bad news of your Collie, I am sure that is sooooo hard. Im so glad you found Kodi, not that he will replace your collie but will be there for you to comfort you. How great they had six months together, to teach Kodi the ropes. I hope that as the days go by they get easier for you and remember all the great memories you had with your collie. One of Lances buddies is a border collie mix.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Heres the picture of Lance as a pup laying in front of the couch, funny how both Kodi and Lance liked laying in front of the couch!

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

  • Sarah Rincker

    Hey Missy. I know you don't know me, but I was wondering what vet you take your corgi to. We are wanting to switch vets, and we wanted to go to a place that deals with corgis. :D
  • Sarah Rincker

    Hey Missy. Thanks for all your help. I really appreciate it. Yeah, we are in Johnston. We used to live over on Grand, but we just moved. By the way, I LOVE your dog. I've never seen a fluffy blue merle!
  • Crystal & Petree

    Your corgi has got to be the cutest thing i've ever seen. I would like to have one very similar to him! He's beautiful!
  • Jay

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hello, how are you and Kodi doing?

  • Cheri

    You've got an adorable fluffy there. He's a cutie pie! I used to only go to agility trials in Missouri, or just over the state line in the Kansas City or St. Louis areas, but we just bought a travel trailer so we're going to branch out. We've attended two trials in Omaha and I have Des Moines and Cedar Rapids on my radar! Hope to meet you at one of the trials.
  • Cheri

    Those are agility trials I should have said.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi Missy and Kodi!!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hello, how are you doing?
  • Bonnie Mills

    Hi! Just admiring the photos of Kodi. Wonderful looking Cardi~
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hope all is well, havent talked to you in awhile, hope to catch you soon. Lance says he is hoping and dreaming that all corgis get what they want for the holidays:

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Lance is glad to hear that Kodi got what he wanted for the holidays :) Love all the new pictures, so cute! I have gotten to a point where I have so many pictures, I started making albums for the pictures here on mycorgi. Ive added yet more pictures to my page, lol. Good hearing from you. :) Have a safe and Happy New Year :) ttysoon. Happy Belated Birthday Kodi!!!! The big One!!!! Yay!!!
  • Joanna Kimball

    It is just NOT FAIR how pretty that dog is. I would have an entire houseful of fluffs if I could. Maybe someday we'll be able to show them.
  • Jay

    i love his tail!!!
  • Jay

    i had a feeling he was from pecan valley, when i saw his name i could tell. Is he from kodac AKA double exposure, or in that blood line?
  • Jay

    Baloo's sire is coedwig's silversmith (sterling), and his dam is coedwig's bellatrix (bella).
  • Chris West

    Hi Missy! Good news, finally got my corgi! Didn't end up using the planned breeder as she never returned my calls/emails after the last pup fell through. But luckily, we found a blue breeder close by so we didn't have to go as far. Didn't end up getting a show pup, but he is still super awesome. Let me know if you are planning to go to any shows in Des Moines this year and maybe we can make it up for a visit.
  • Alice

    Who is Emma? Do you have two Cardi's?
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Kodi is getting so big and hes so handsome, love his coloring :) I see another pup in your pictures, who is the black and white cardi?
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    I was looking through the photo gallery and saw the picture of Emma, Congratulations!!!!! Looking forward to watching her grow! :)
  • Alice

    She's adorable. Where is she from?
  • Alice

    I thought she might be Emme from Joanna. If so you are very lucky; Emme was my favorite. :)
  • Alice

    Ha ha, how cute. :) Oh I wish I could have gotten one of her pups. Soon I would like to get a girl Cardi now that Finn is acting like a big boy. I have no idea where I would get her from though or what color I would want. It's so difficult to choose. The process of getting Finnigan wore me out!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hello! I just created a group for Pecan Valley Corgis, come and join!!

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hello, summertime is here...whooo hooooo!!!!

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker


    Have you heard anything on Pecan Valley Avalanche? :)