Ronda and Barney <3


Omaha, NE

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I live in Omaha Ne. I got my 1st corgi back in 2003. We enjoy outdoor activities especially walk on the downtown bridge and memorial park outtings.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
At one time we had 2 corgi's Bailey and Barney. Bailey was our sable corgi and was the sweetest little girl..She had medical issues, seizures, alleries. She was definatly one of a kind - she was our first corgi and is missed greatly. FoxyLady was her nickname.
Barney is our only corgi now, and he has us (my husband and I) wrapped around his paw(s). He is 4 yrs old outgoing vocal spoiled corgi. We do shave him to control his shedding. some kids think he looks like a giant chihuahua. He like to 'round up' our other dog Daisy which is a whippet/husky mix.

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Dog Directory
Dogs rule at Get tons of free canine stuff - dog breed information, dogs names, dog videos, dog supplies and so much more. Chihuahua

Dog Directory
Dogs rule at Get tons of free canine stuff - dog breed information, dogs names, dog videos, dog supplies and so much more. Chihuahua
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