Crystal,Dixie and Harlan


Orlando, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Metro West, FL
About Me:
I love my Corgi's!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
We have a new Corgie as of 8/7/2010 and he is soooo great. He was born May 25,2010, he is a tri and looks like a teddy bear. He and his big sis are great playmates.
Dixie is the best, what a clown. Her name is Dixie Bell, we usually just call her Dixie or somtimes just Dix. She was born January 10, 2009.
I have:

Comment Wall:


  • christy fry

    welcome to the group!!
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Crystal! What is your corgi's name?
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hello and Welcome!

  • Emily, Lizzie, and Oliver

    Nice meeting you both today... hope to see you again soon!
  • Boo Buchheit

    Welcome to 2009 Puppies. Dixie is a beauty.
  • Nicola Porter

    Welcome Crystal and Dixie.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Chris

  • Deanna

  • christy fry

  • Emily, Lizzie, and Oliver

    Hi Crystal and Dixie - looks like you celebrated a Birthday.. hope it was a happy one!! Also we are going to Stanley's Bday party 9/13, sounds like it will be fun! Have a great week!
  • Deanna

    Your little Dixie has got the longest Corgi ears I've ever seen!!!! Sure couldn't tell from her puppy photos that they were going to stand that tall -- she's just too cute!
  • noel lutchkus

  • Stanley & Charlotte

    Thanks for coming to the party!! I hope ya'll had as much fun as we did! And thank you for the birthday cake (I think you were the one that brought it???) He's going to have that tonight!!! See you at the next meetup!!
  • Emily, Lizzie, and Oliver

    Hey - Sorry we didn't make it.. my brother and his girlfriend were in town. Hope it was lots of fun!!
  • Emily, Lizzie, and Oliver

    We are not going to make it to the next meet up :-( I will be out of town that weekend! I sent off my $ for the picnic 11/14 cant wait for that !! I think we will try the pet palooza next saturday @ Avalon Park. Hope you guys are doing well!!
  • Emily, Lizzie, and Oliver

    Wow dixie must really like those gators :-)... hope you guys are doing well!
  • Emily, Lizzie, and Oliver

    The snow pics are awesome! it looks like everyone had a great time!! .. Make sure you include those in your christmas cards.. I love the one were dixie is rolling around in it!!
  • Stanley & Charlotte

    How did we miss you guys at the Snow Pawty? Looks like Dixie had a great time!
  • Stanley & Charlotte

    Wow, that's so weird. They didn't ask us to put Stanley on a leash. Maybe they kinda gave up on that after a while because there were sooo many dogs there. But they watched the dogs very critically and made sure to tell us not to let Stanley go into "herding mode" when he was chasing after some large dogs. Oh well. See you soon!!
  • Stanley & Charlotte

    Hey Crystal, did you see the video University of Doglando posted. It's got some cute footage of Dixie rolling around in the snow.
  • Pickles, Janelle & John

    Hey Dixie and Crystal! Everyone's been telling us that your beautiful Dixie and our Pickles looks alike, and omigosh, they do! :D Love it!
  • Pickles, Janelle & John

    Yeah! We plan to be there! Can't wait to meet you guys :)
  • Pickles, Janelle & John

    We posted our pictures from the meet-up, actually have a lot of good ones of Miss Dixie Bell <3
  • Pickles, Janelle & John

    Yeah :) we'll be there! Hope to see you and Miss Dixie <3
  • Pickles, Janelle & John

    No :( We moved to San Francisco last month, tell Dixie Pickles misses her!
  • Emily, Lizzie, and Oliver

    Congrats on the newest addition!! Can't wait to meet him he is tooo cute! Let me know how things go with two .. I am thinking of getting a little brother for Lizzie!
  • Emily, Lizzie, and Oliver

    Yes we will be there, is Harlan old enough to go? He is so cute love his pictures.