Joanne Barnard


Encinitas, CA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I have a female Pembroke born in March, 2011. Her name is Annie Rose.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Courtney and Zoe

    I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope this site brings you plenty of smiles and comfort!
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Joanne! I live just up the freeway from you. Have you checked out the San Diego COrgi meet-up website yet? We have regular meetups where you can talk to folks about where they got their corgis. People also post there if they need to re-home their corgis, or if there is a corgi sighting at a local shelter.
  • Krystle (Luna & Twinkie!)

    Hey Joanne! I've seen you on the San Diego Corgi Meetup Site. How are you doing? How's your puppy search going?
  • Krystle (Luna & Twinkie!)

    Oh that's so exciting that you got a puppy! Is she a tri-color, because I know Linda had a litter of tris after the litter Luna was a part of was born. That is so wonderful. Potty training is going really well - she is now sleeping through the night with no problems and has been for almost two weeks now, but I do get up with her no later than 6:30 or so in the morning - she pees, then has to go out again once she's awake enough to poo. After she eats she needs to go out again about 15 minutes later, and then I let her out every hour or so during the day to pee, gradually stretching the time out little by little as she's getting older. She's barely 12 weeks old today, so it's still a process, but we're not having any accidents anymore, which is great!

    I cannot wait to see pictures of your new little girl and to hear what you have decided to name her.

    Luna will be cleared for dog parks in early January, so we'll look for you shortly thereafter. We may hit up one of the smaller meetups in North County first, before we do one of the bigger events later in the month. :)