Anne Pinkerton


Easthampton, MA

United States

Profile Information:

Easthampton, MA
About Me:
I was always a cat person - and then my husband convinced me we needed a corgi. Forever changed.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Hank is a tri-color Pembroke, who has a distinctive flop ear. He's 8-ish and was rescued from a kill shelter in Nashville. Trixie is a rescued Cardigan/Border Collie mix. She came from the Beebe Humane Society in Arkansas and is almost 4. Hank and Trixie share their home with four tolerant cats, one of whom is actually Trixie's best friend. Both dogs are up for any outing at any time, except during a real downpour, and enjoy hiking, canoeing, swimming, tennis balls, frisbees, sticks, and just about whatever else you can throw. Drives in the car, kongs with peanut butter, and sitting in front of the wood stove make life worth living.
I have:
Both Pembroke and Cardigan

Comment Wall:

  • Jane Christensen

    Welcome Anne,Trixie and Hank!
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Anne, Hank and Trixie! Sidney loves hiking too. Those little legs work so hard :)
  • Ed and Michelle

    Welcome. They look like fine dogs.
  • Geri & Sidney

    Swim? Nah, ho does not like to get his feet wet and seems nervous about the ocean. If we had a swimming pool or a pond maybe he'd check it out, but for now he avoids the water.
  • Mal Schaal

    Welcome to the site, you have beautiful pictures!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • John Wolff

    Hank is the rock climber? The tri Pem?
    I realized this summer that I wasn't watching Gwynnie so closely anymore on rock -- only for rockfall, dogs being stupid about rockfall -- I don't worry [much] about them walking off a cliff or falling.
    Trixie is just a gorgeous dog -- that's the kind of physique I'd want if I was a dog -- halfway between a corgi and a border collie. A RESCUE?! Who'd give up a dog like that?! You know for sure she's half-cardi? or could she be half-pem?
  • Edward and Gemima

    I love the pic u posted in the woods with the sun showing thru the trees! Looks like a good Christmas card to me!!!!
  • Bev Levy

    Anne, I really like your photos! Also, your black & white cat looks just like mine. My cats (Cheech&Chong) are both rescues. Bev
  • Mendy Miller

  • John Wolff

    I wonder how many other border corgis there are out there? Do they know for sure that's Trixie's mix? And she's just a bit heavier than Hank? Seriously, I used to look at Al and fantasize: "Hmmm... tricolor, Pem personality, just a bit longer legs, not much bigger, a tail of course (bonus for a white tip), perhaps just a wee bit of BC intensity..."
    I know that these purebred hybrids are in bad odor among "serious" breeders, but somebody somewhere has experimented with this, for sure. After all, there *are* cons to dwarfing dogs:
    fuffly speaking She actually speculatively mentions breeding corgis to BCs. Interesting blog; sounds like she knows something (she's on this site too).
  • Anne Pinkerton

    I can't say for sure that Trixie is this exact combination, as we haven't traced her genetic history... but not only does she have those cute ermine collar spots all around her neck fur, her behavior is spot on Border Collie. I got a book on BCs, which I devoured as I responded "yes, yes, yes" to every attribute. Our vet agreed. As did a neighbor of my in-laws who breeds Border Collies. She is super brilliant - a mixed blessing for a dog owner, needs a job all the time, loves to herd people, cats, toys, and her brother, runs like the wind, and adores frisbees. If only I could test her with a sheep! She is definitely intense; an alpha girl for sure. But also super affectionate and a world class snuggler. When she's been on a five-miles hike, she'll finally chill out on the couch. My husband is more of a corgi purist, as I know some are - when Trixie is bad, he says, "well, she's a mixed breed" - just to be mean. But I volunteer at a shelter and meet all kinds of pups who are awesome mutts... I surely love Trixie to bits and can't imagine a better dog. I'll definitely check out the blog! Thanks!
  • John Wolff

    So -- Trixie's dam was a Cardigan corgi (maternity being a matter of fact, paternity of opinion)? Her pattern is pretty generic tricolor; the neck/face white patches are hypervariable; but all the tri corgis I've seen seem to lose the black on the ears, legs and face. She looks like she could go 30 miles.
    We've had 3 Pems, nothing else, so I wonder about what other breeds are like. I'd like to meet some cardis, just to see how they're different.
  • Carol Rea

    Anne, i love your pictures, especially the ones in the woods.  i came origionally because i have a 40 pound rescue corgi and I was reading that you actually were able to get 11# off of your rescue!!  Good going, do you make house calls?!?  Carol, Lucky, and Sonny
  • Carol Rea

    He does have beautiful big brown eyes!  Funny, he has just now after 18 months at our house, started running & playing.  don't really know what old home was like.  He's a strange & marvelous one, our Sonny is, but we love him.  2 days ago he ate an entire pkg of sandwich rolls that the cat knocked off the fridge while we were gone - he is a chow hound!  I have been ill for the last 18 months so have not exercised him as I should - now we must start to the best of my ability, he sure needs it!!!  I have taken to calling the poor thing "Tank"
  • Carol Rea

    Unfortunately, we do not live anywhere near any kids!  Sonny is so funny, he has spent the past 18 months as an anti-social dog, wanting to stay under the bed and in the back bedroom.  Yesterday he played a little more again.  i think he is finally coming out of his shell.  It is so funny with these rescues, you just don't know what they have been thru and how soon they will come into their own!  Lucky was a pup when we rescued him from the snowbank, and he fit right in (had some issues, but he wasn't ahti social)  Sonny  just went under the bed and stayed there!  We shall see what the New Year brings.  He just started FRAPPING this past couple weeks - whoever heard of a non-FRAPPING corgi!  Now you just poke his butt and off he goes (thus the FRAP button comment on my page)  AND,,,you are correct about being in cahoots with the cat!!  Speaking of cats, it's off the the cat ladies house - they moved in and there were 2 adults and 4 kittens under the deck YIKES, they ended up neutering them all, as all the shelters were full and would not take them.  More later