Dena Davis


San Diego, CA

United States

Profile Information:

San Diego,CA
About Me:
I moved to the San Diego area May 2011 and I am looking to meet new people, espically small dog lovers.I love going to the beach and just hanging out..I am very easy going and just looking for some fun..
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
Website: Cuddles in action
About My Corgi(s):
My Corgi is 4 and has a very unique ball trick she does.She has performed in front of many cameras and people.I do believe she is the only Corgi that does this trick.Actually I believe she is the only animal that does this trick..She loves going to the beach and riding the waves..
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Lynne Cerny

    Welcome to mycorgi Dena & "Bug"!
  • Bob and SparkPlug

  • debra stanger

    WELCOME!!! Dena and Bug. I got the nickname what is her name. This is sofunny  because my Princess loves to chase bugs also.

    Princess is my second corgi, my first corgi Chris died March 09 from canine lumphoma. It was so hard to believe she only lived 9 years she was a wonderful dog and so is Princess.

  • debra stanger

    It is 59 degree and droping and it is raining. Princess does not like the rain because she has to put her ear down LOL.
  • Bob and SparkPlug

    Hi! Thanks! I was a mechanic and my little guy is full of spark, so...

    If I get another one I'll name it Crankshaft! I have a warped sense of humor. I had a lab years ago named Stringbean.

  • Lynne Cerny

    It is 16 degrees and dropping here.  This weekend is going to be even colder!  Yuck!!
  • debra stanger

    Princess has not seen snow yet . But Chris my first corgi saw snow in 08 when it snow in Texas on Christmas eve any way she loved it I have alot of picture of her playing in the snow she loved it.I know what you mean when they are a big part of you life I know Princess is to me everything.
  • debra stanger

    I have had corgis since 1999. I love them they make me happy I have corgi everthingLOL.
  • debra stanger

    Princess herds me all the time and nips at my heels.Her nickname  is Pouncer becuase she like to pounce on me. She just lets me live in her world also. Princess is 1yr and 5months. The whole neiborhood know her she is very popular LOL . I live in a small condo comminity so that how she get to know a lot of people. Do you walk Cuddles? or does she have a yard?
  • debra stanger

    nice talking to you have a great evening
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Dena and Bug!
  • debra stanger

    Good Morning from Sunny Houston, Tx!!
  • debra stanger

    Hi Dena.......Princess is just fine this morning the temp got down to 32 last night . So>>>she was real friskey this morning.

    She is crated during the day while I work. Sometimes I wish I had a yard. But I like where I live.

  • debra stanger

    Princess has to stay in her "condo" for about 8 1/2 hours a day while I work. How much does Bug weigh? Princess is 30lb She is smaller than Chris my first corgi she was 30-40lb but she was not over weight she was a big boned girl.

    Do you work? If so what do you do?

  • debra stanger

    Princess likes to go on long walks so we do alot of walking weather permiting.

    We also go to the dog park with my neibor she just loves Princess. Terri can do anything with her she has a golden lab that likes Princess. She also loves the ball and chasing it.

    She also likes to take rides in the car so we do that also.

    I work for TeleCheck Services Inc. Adivion of First Data.

  • debra stanger

    Sounds great I hope you can get that service started.I have people clen for me every four weeks.

    How old are you? You must be in good shape to clean houses. I am 58 years old and have back problems so I have two ladies come to clean.LOL