Marion Hebert

Hopewell, VA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I have always loved dogs and horses and have owned several of both....I rode and competed in Dressage, jumping, and western events.... riding and training thoroughbreds, quarter horses, a Dutch Warmblood mare, and a male offspring of the great stallion Pregelstrand.....Don't dogs and horses just go together....I have shown Miniature Schnauzers, and was asked to home and care for a full blooded wolf that was found by animal had been shot through the hip. Now I am the proud parent of two delightful corgis...They go with me everywhere and have made many friends on our travels.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My corgis are both sable and female and one male...they are 8 years old.. and no they are not related in any way....Both are rescue dogs....Sammy came to me weighing around 56 pounds...he now weighs 30 pounds and is very handsome....Merry was shown in California, had a litter of puppies, and then her owner decided to switch breeds and asked if I would take her....She is beautiful....Needless to say I love them dearly.....not the shedding part....but who could not love the Corgi"s fun-loving disposition. Sammy is my caretaker...very in tune to my moods....Merry is a bit of a monkey....always on the go and always happy. Well, time for me to start picking up Corgi hair and give my home a new lease on life. We are all glad to be on board
I have:

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  • LaVerne & Shirley

    Conconully is in North Central WA state, population Its just like Mayberry complete with a lake for fishing and a general store to sit out front, eat ice cream and play checkers. Its a slice of Heaven.
    Coyotes are a big problem around my house too. I hear them often but see them rarely but I see signs that they are close. I never let my dogs out alone and I never let my cats out at all.
  • Nancy Geddes

    Marion: I take regular herding lessons with Terri Chisman who is now in Isle of Wight. She is fabulous! We usually meet up on Sunday mornings on her farm in Benns Church. If you are interested, once the weather clears and we are back at it; I'll ask Terri if you can come out. I have been at herding lessons when there have been four or more corgis in attendance. Terri would also help you instinct test your dog - but be careful! Herding is habit forming! Lessons are reasonably priced and I have learned so very, very much. I would love to meet with you and go walkies some Sunday afternoon! Talk with you later! Nan
  • Nancy Geddes

    Dear Marion: Our lessons usually are Sunday mornings and I'll work nearly an hour. Tasha has graduated from pen work to chute work and occasionally, we get to drive a small flock of sheep from one place to another on her farm. You have to wear sturdy shoes! I note that you live in Hopewell, too. I cross on the Jamestown ferry and drive directly through Smithfield to get to Benn's Church. Terri may charge you $30.00 but that's about all. I try to get other corgis out so that we can help one another keep costs down.....I'll get in touch with Terri and see if we can resume in March. By the way, there are some interesting videos on youtube of corgis herding/chasing. Later! Nan
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    How exciting for you. This will be great. I hope they do well and this is something they are good at. As far as the tweeter toy...I never allow plush toys for my guys and most of those squeaky toys are to easily ripped apart so don't allow them. Only puppies under 8 weeks and with that constant checking the toys and the pups with them. I only allow hard solid things for my dogs and the only thing I allow without constant supervision is cow hooves. Infact mine don't even care about the hooves in their crates when I'm gone probably because they are all over the house for them all the time so its boring. LOL If I'm planning to be away almost all day for some reason I like to give them those hollow bones that have filling. It last for hrs and pretty safe. Once they work the filling out I just crush dog food and mix peanut butter and some yogurt to make a filling and fill them back up and put in the freezer. Its healthy and last awhile. Good luck at the herding.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    I got an awesome litter announcement picture of Baron and Layla before the snow would melt. The sun was out and couldn't pass up the day. Thank goodness I did since the next few days it was melting and now the snowman looks like a deformed marshmellow. LOL Now we've been getting snow again and a big storm is coming for tomorrow morning into Saturday. Never can tell what we'll get with the lake affect or what we might not get but accumulation can be as much as 18" or more. You can never trust the weathermen around here..actually its that lake. It does keep you guessing. The next town over got nothing last night and we got 2"+ from 7am - 10 am this morning. So it can be very sporadic as well. Here is the picture I got of the 2.

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    We are getting hit pretty good with the snow right now and its windy which causes alot of drifting. The dogs love it. Sunday I took Meagan and Winston with me and my daughter to go sledding. They liked to chase her up and down the hill and of course visit with everyone else. They were very good. Never ran after other sledders or bothered anyone who didn't want to be bothered by them. Meagan bit onto Winstons skirting at one point all the way back up the hill..I think she was hitching a ride. LOL They both went for a ride on the sled with my daughter...they are such troopers. The pups are the cutest. There is nothing more pleasant then sitting on the floor with the pups and being happily mauled by them. They are such angels.
  • Marion Hebert

    Sounds like you made the most of the snow....can just envision the dogs running up and down the hill and wishing they could herd the sleds....Merry and Sam did not get to go to the park yesterday.....the wind was brutal....but that is a sign of spring on the way....OK, it's not my fault that they have forecast a snowstorm for Tuesday or Wednesday of next week....We had a visitor to our yard big golden lab (yellow)....I kept waiting for Merry to be did not happen, she just smelled him and said "alright, big boy, lets play....Sam, my trusty protector, stayed by my side and made sure all was well....Not sure why I had a lab in the yard...but we sent him home where I really hope he will stay. Dogs and I are making a trip to Pennsylvania Sunday...They have had one big snow...hope the roads are clear by the time I have to drive on them...Have a wonderful day....Marion
  • Anne

    Thanks for the note. We live about an hour and a half from Scranton. Easton is southeast of there along the Delaware river. A lot of the pictures on my page are at my sister's. She has 2 border collies and my parents have a pembroke corgi, Punch. It is a lot of fun when they all get together in the Summer. Punch being the oldest is the boss and tries to herd everyone. He barks and barks. Luckily Le-Le is not much of a barker which is nice. If you are coming our way give a shout!
  • Anne

    Another time Marion. Great when family can help out. Best to your family and a speedy recovery for your daughter-in-law. If you are still up that way on the 13th Kerry Foose is having a 'sugar party' and she is near Scranton area. Not sure we can make it since with the snow storms we have had to reschedule some work.
  • Carol Powers

    Thank you for the note; and very nice to hear that you're originally from Alberta. I love your Corgi's; those faces are just the best.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    So how did your trip to PA go? The snow falling in different areas this year was a weird pattern. We really didn't get that much even though accumulation shows we got alot we just didn't have the build up that we normally get. I love to watch the dogs tunnel their way through the snow and it just didn't happen this year.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    I'm glad to hear your travels were safe and your back home but most importantly your daughter is doing well even though it was more extensive then originally thought. The greatest outcome of it all is atleast they got it all. Thank heavens for prayers answered.

    My front yard is dry enough that I've been able to allow my pack to run and wrestle again. I've played ball with them and they are so grateful. Since it was such a nice sunny day on St. Patrick's Day I took my puppies outside for the first time. I didn't keep them out there long since that fresh air tires them out quickly but I did get a quick video of it. They did very well and weren't caught off from all the traffic going by. I like to expose them early to this if weather permits since then its so much easier for them as they get older. Imprinting..I firmly believe in it.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    I had insomnia last night..was all tired almost asleep and my husbands phone beeps since he forgot to shut it off and that did it...couldn't go back to sleep so ended up coming here and never went to bed. I hate nights like that but got some stuff done that would of taken awhile for me to get at. LOL I love my dogs and I truly believe they appreciate what I do for them. My puppies thrive and are always pleasant and really don't have people having issues with them except for a few questions on training and thats only because they are second guessing themselves. Heck..I do it all the time too. I started off using Revolution and then switched to Sentinal and I've used Bio Spot years ago and a few others and I've never had an issue with any of them. I do offer garlic tablets. I don't think I've ever had a flea problem with my dogs now for sure or even growing up as a kid unless they came with fleas. I hate those things. I'm anal about fleas and intestinal parasites. I don't like stuff you can't see. LOL
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    I was so touched by your email and how your Corgis helped you and gave you comfort and love when you lost your husband. My husband has had some very recent health issues and Lucy has been a great comfort to HIM. I have changed the name of the group (because of your most recent email) to "Corgis Remembered & All Loved Ones," which includes: 2-legged family members, 4-legged family members Corgi or not (that means all cats!rabbits!), turtles, goldfish, et al.
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Merry and Sammy are so beautiful. They look red and white in the photos. I can't see any sable. How old are they. You're clearly a wonderful owner. They both look so happy and fit. Hard to believe that one of them weighed 50+ pounds. How things come around. You saved them, and in your great time of need, they were there to help you. I love the photos of them showing their full body length, or that angle, with one head in front of the other. Sort of like a photo finish in racing. They look like litter-mates!
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Your a great "mom." Merry and Sammy are lucky indeed. Have fun at the park and hope the storm is not bad. But, sounds like you and your Corgi kids will still manage to have tons of fun even if you're cooped up inside.
  • Nancy Geddes

    Dear Marion:
    Terri Chisman and I finally talked over the Easter weekend about resumption of herding lessons at her farm in Benns Church. She hopes to resume in just a few weeks. She has been busy with her college classes, lambs have been ill early this spring, etc. Anyway, she said that you are welcomed to come. I will get back with you the moment I hear. Most likely, I will only be taking Tasha but that may change. Linus is currently in flyball lessons in Richmond Friday evenings, Bear could care less about herding but Miss Sassy Britches can't wait to get back to work! Later, Nan
  • Nancy Geddes

    Marion: By the end of the week, I wouldn't doubt you will long for Minnesota. It is supposed to be nearly 100 for the next three days down here.

    We are not herding in the heat; but I will try to find out from Teri when she is going to resume lessons on her farm.!

    If you are free; and if you would like to think about this, we are really enjoying the historic Greensprings trail that comes out of Jamestown settlement and runs along Mainland Farms and later joins up with Route 5 extending all the way to Richmond. It is blacktopped, at least twelve feet wide, and a nice amble. Would you be available early next Sunday or Monday morning to go walkies with us? It might be closer for you than Colonial Williamsburg (and the corgis love the great out of doors!). I don't know how long it will take you to get here and I don't have any suggestion where to meet in Charles City county.

    My home phone number is 757-565-6290. Give me a call and let us know! If we plan to meet about eight in the morning, we will avoid some of this heat!!!

    Keep cool Marion and I hope we can get together!

  • Jane Christensen

    Hi Marion, Glad you made it to Minnesota. Things have been extremely busy here too! I hope to get up north this fall for a few days with my girlfriend who has never been to Duluth and the make it to Hibbing! Nice to here from you! The weather sounds terrible out there. We have had very few hot days here so far but we have had the humidity and now the mosquitos are swarming!
  • Edward and Gemima

    Hello Merry and Sammy from Edward and Gemima!! Hi Marion from Melissa....did the doggies get to come to MN too??? We are enjoying the summer but could have a little more sunshine here in SE MN. It rained 20 out of 30 days in June and had a nice stretch about a week ago but now raining again. We took a family trip to Jacksonville, Florida over father's day and had a great time. Ed and Gem stayed home with Auntie and Uncle and are more spoiled now then before we left. What kind of wildlife have you been seeing???
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    WOW..what a great time and welcome home. It always feels great to come home to be greeted by our pets. I've been busy as well but not with playing. LOL We moved and just starting to get things more organized but still have some work to do. May pups are all in their homes and preparing for my next litter any day now. Sian is home from showing and bred to CH Larklains Magic Marker and very excited for that litter. Became a member of the PWCCR and working on a flyer for Sian for the cover of their summer newsletter. Just been go go go to get it all done so I don't miss out on anything. Neglected something terrible though but can't do it all. The heat here has been horrible with the awful humidity. Set the kiddie pool up for the pups and the dogs. Even hose the dogs down some and don't play to hard with them in this weather. I don't think they want to move..they go from one shady spot to the next except for my Layla who'd run herself to death. hehe Glad to hear from you..lets me know you up and about and well as ever if your too busy to write. Thats a good thing.
  • Nancy Geddes

    Good morning Marion! Could we plan for Sunday morning? I am going to suggest the following (based upon shade and no bicycles): we meet at the trailhead at Jamestown High School (immediately on your right on Route 5/Eagle Way - parking lot straight on back). We can enter the Greensprings trail there, go along the Mainland wheat field, loop on the Main Loop to the re-entry back through the woods to trailhead. It is gravel pathway all the while, relatively wide for us. We can do the walk in one hour. If I can coerce Michael to come along, I'll bring all three wee beasties; if not, only two.

    Since you are the one doing to travelling, you have the option of setting our time. It's my day off so I am looking forward to any time for walkies!

    Wednesday regards,
  • Marion and Vern

    Hey! Super tip, I adore buying books for our trips almost as much as making my packing list(s). Funny that you sent it to Wendy as that is where we are headed to. We can hardly wait to meet her in person. I am so excited about the trip and everything. Thank you so much for the tip on that book, I can already hear my husband groan LOL.
  • Aleen Ferris

    Marion, Thank you for your text. I am a "Ferris" by marriage. My husband's family is in California & Illinois. Your Corgis are precious. Aleen
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Well Rhiannon had her pups on July 11...2 boys and 4 girls. All are doing well so far..strong nursers and is happy and temp normal. here is a picture of the pups at only 48 hrs old. Flashy litter again.

    It has been miserable here..the humidity is out of this world. Been hosing the dogs and really not running til the evenings when most of the field is shaded over. Heck..just going on my poop patrol late morning early afternoon I'm ringing wet. Stay cool or atleast try.
  • Sadie May

    Hi Marion,
    glad you all had a great time. Our Therapy Dog group meets every Sunday at 9 a.m. to walk around Oak Grove park in Chesapeake and all the dogs love spending time with each other. You can tell that they are really social animals - so I know exactly what you mean about group walking. I will attend when it gets cooler. Thanks.

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    I'm happy with what I am seeing at this point but time will tell. Mom is doing fantastic..she actually wanted to play w/the group and run after balls today. Rhiannon usually has plained marked puppies but this group by Baron was a surprise!!!
  • Sadie May

    Hi Marion,
    Chesapeake is south of Virginia Beach - we are about 20 minutes from North Carolina. And we are only about 20 minutes from downtown Norfolk - it is a great location. We have lots of parks, but we always go to Oak Grove because of the lake.
    I am looking forward to the Fall walks in Williamsburg. I love it up there, especially the Prime Outlets :) We still haven't gotten any rain - they predict it every day but they haven't gotten it right yet.

  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Thanks, I've already cut back. Rafa is a great little puppy. I'm sure that with time he will steal Lucy's heart just as he's stolen ours. I've been trying to post a video of Lucy and Rafa together on Day 3. Hope it shows up.
  • Sadie May

    Saturday - July 17th and still no rain in Chesapeake. Our grass is getting brown!!!
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Thanks so much for your nice comments. They go a long way with us.
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    corgi puppies are so irresistible. presently, he's just hanging on my pantaloons...jeans, PJs & if roll them up, a nice tasty calf!
  • Elizabeth

    Marion, so sorry about the delay in response. It is nice to meet you and your dogs are gorgeous. Maybe we can meet somewhere when the temps come down about 15 degrees (I can't believe how many days it's been over 95 degrees this summer). One of my guys is fluffy and, therefore, is extra hot in this weather. (Yes, Cardis shed a lot and I'm not even sure I've seen the worst of it.) There is another Richmond corgi owner in the Hampton Roads group (Laura) who has a Pem and a Cardi and was in Jon Farleigh's puppy kindergarten class. It would be nice if there was a Richmond (or Chesterfield) meetup at some point.
  • Marion and Vern

    Told my husband we had to find something that went with B-52, as I turned 52 this year so B-52 Bomber Boy! Lord only knows what it will be like once we get them home LOL
  • Marion and Vern

    Thanks! Good thing my husband can say a nice way or I would have a house full and then some. Not being able to have children I have four legged ones instead. Happy Birthday early, I just love growing older.
  • Marion and Vern

    Boy Marion have you got that right! I don't color my hair, I like the white in it. I have earned everyone of them! Still have a few years before we can think of not having to go to work but hey that's what weekends are for. I learned a long time ago figure out who & what are important to you and make the most of both! Also double that happy birthday wish, hope you are going to celebrate big time!
  • Elizabeth

    Marion, that sounds great to me. I think when my kids go back to school on Sept. 7, I will have more freedom to plan dog meet-ups. I'm a stay-at-home mom for now. Don't have too much experience with good places to meet and walk dogs around here other than down the streets in my Enon neighborhood. I think I've seen dogs walking with owners on the trails at Henricus Park/Dutch Gap. Are there any places nearer to you or toward W'burg?
  • Marion and Vern

    It is very hard to fight that temptation, but we understand about two being the limit haha
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Lucky you. I love Corgi babies. I've watched the video a few times ; )
  • Elizabeth

    Thanks, Marion; how about one morning next week (except Tues.) at Point of Rocks? It's very close to me and my kids' schools. I can do as early as 9:30 a.m.
    We didn't know we were going to enter the dogs in ChesterFest until a week beforehand, after I saw a flyer in Martin's. Never knew about the dog show before that. It was so hot that day.
  • Elizabeth

    Okay; sounds good. We look forward to meeting you all, too. :)
  • Nancy Geddes

    Dear Marion: Isn't the weather much better!!! Please let me know what you hear from any herding possibilities. I think that Teri is so involved with her Master's degree that she hasn't had any time this summer and I haven't heard anything further........

    We took two walkies today (my day off). We had a wonderful time in Colonial Williamsburg until someone asked is they were Jack Russells. Oh well!

    All the best, Nancy
  • Elizabeth

    Hi, Marion. We enjoyed meeting you all and walking, too; would love to meetup again sometime. Thank you so much for the link to the kennel! I peeked at the website and will be calling her soon; I need to board the two boys over Thanksgiving and knew of only one suitable place in Chester (off Ironbridge Rd.), but love the idea of the boys being in the country with opportunities to get out and run/play. I'll let you know if we decide to make a reservation.
    Thanks also for asking around about herding. Jon Farleigh's breeder and also his sire's owner have both also told me not to give up on him with sheep. He has two littermates (girls) who have instinct. Everyone has advised that Jon is still too young and immature to take interest in sheep yet, so we'll definitely try again down the road.
    Hope you hear back from someone about herding opportunities; seems the Richmond area Corgi group isn't too active on this site. :-(
  • Elizabeth

    Hi, Marion. The dogs and I went to visit the kennel on Rt. 5 this morning and I was so pleased with it. We've got a reservation for the Thanksgiving holiday. Thank you, thank you for sending me the information! The boys played in a fenced field while I toured the place and were completely worn out and soaked with dew by the time we left. :) They're gonna love staying there.
    The owner said she might get back into herding lessons if she can get the right kind of sheep (who won't run into the fence from fear of the dogs), and has a friend who might loan her some. It would be nice to have something so close by.
    Hope all is well.
  • Elizabeth

    Sending you a warm late on this cold, snowy day. Hope you are doing well and that you get to be with family for the holidays. Dewi and Jonny send Merry and Sammy holiday snow greetings!
  • Elizabeth

    Oops, I misspelled latte.  (In case you are wondering what a warm "late" is.)

  • Elizabeth

    Thanks, Marion. Hope you and your family had a nice white Christmas. :)  We have certainly enjoyed ours (but, I'm now ready for the snow to melt).  Yes, coffee sounds like a good plan; let's try for something in January.  Happy New Year!
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Oh Marion, my heart broke when I read your comment on Corgis Remembered. What a big heart you have.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Red Ribbon
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    haha. i think we'll stick with lucy and ricky for now!!! but i remember that conveyor belt and the 2 of them stuffing candies in their mouth, apron and down their shirts, i think. that and vita veta vegimen was another favorite. do you poop out at parties? are you unpoopular? LOL. she was such a comedic genius.