Annie Marshall


Oak Grove, KY

United States

Profile Information:

Springfield, MO
About Me:
I'm a photographer, book cover artist, and published romance author. I'm a proud Army wife, mom of two, and I'm an animal lover. In particular, Pembroke Welsh Corgis!!!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My first corgi came into our lives about 4 years ago. Nina was a red-headed tri-color Pembroke. She was the apple of my eye. Unfortunately, about a month ago, we had to say goodbye to her. She had a brain tumor that couldn't be removed. We miss her tremendously. Our second corgi was a rescue. Hamish was found way out in the country in SW Missouri. Severely malnourished and scared of humans. I brought him home, fed,and worked with him. I'm happy to report that my Hamish is now trusting of us humans and he has an amazing personality! We recently brought into our lives one of Nina's nephews. Aonghus (Angus) looks like he could be Hamish's brother. They are both Sables. Aonghus, however has one blue eye and one brown. Not a problem for us, but as you know, we can't breed him. He is the typical corgi puppy that is bold, energetic, and adorable!
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Lynne Cerny

    Welcome Annie, Hamish & Aonghus!
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Annie, Hamish and Angus! Love their names. I'm so sorry about Nina.
  • Bev Levy

    Your corgis are so beautiful!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Erica Palowitch

    Hey Annie! I just seen your comment on Kentucky Corgis! I live on the eastern side of kentucky but my husband is hopefully* getting stationed at Fort Campbell when he gets back from deployment so I thought I would say hey! :)