
Los Angeles, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Los Angeles, CA
About Me:
Go to corgicomics.com to see complete episodes of Wasabi and her adventures! You can also read her blog there!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My corgi's name is Wasabi. She's 6 years old and her favorite activities are playing fetch, eating, and sleeping =D
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Hey Kiwi! Welcome to MyCorgi.com! So glad you made it! Feel free to stream your rss to your page. Let me know if you want to feature anything on the main page.
  • Cindi

    Hi! Same Wasabi that I see on YouTube?
  • Corgi Mom

    Hi Kiwi, thank you for accepting my friend request. Wasabi is adorable. Our corgis do the funniest and most adorable things.
  • Jeremiah and Rhys "Mr. May"

    We love Wasabi and Kiwi!
  • deelee lew

    we already met- on myspace remember?
  • Brenda

    Wasabi's a cutie
  • Kellee

    Hi Kiwi, thanks for the add. Wasabi is adorable. Cant wait to read some Corgi Comics now!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Wasabi is adorable. The pictures are great. Love corgicomics.com. Sorry to hear about your friends lost puppy Zorro. Any luck in finding Zorro?
  • mikonami

    hii! i randomly found your comic when i was trying to find corgi costumes (for myself). i found the strip about the corgis buying costumes that don't fit. it's very cute!
  • Linda and Kaijuu Le

    omgoodness! your comics crack me up >_< hahah!
  • Boo Buchheit

    I love your Corgi Comics. What a great idea and so funny.
  • Libby and Dyddy!!

    Hello Kiwi and Wasabi! I had you on my Myspace a while ago but when I deleted it I forgot to advise I was on Mycorgi too! Thank you for the add!!
  • Nancy Geddes

    Dear Kiwi and Wasabi: Ooooh! We are tickled to be friends! We love to herd, race over agility equipment and fluffy Linus is taking flyball lessons. NanMom keeps us busy! We are in awe of your artistry and thank you for bringing the delightful mind of corgis (imagine the games the three of us play!) to life. All the best: Bear, Tasha and the Fabio of Fluffies, Linus