Aurora Swafford


San Antonio, TX

United States

Profile Information:

Austin, Tx
About Me:
I am currently in High School (Sophomore) and have always loved corgis and finally worked hard and sold enough brownies and adopted a lovely little, blue eyed, boy :D I hope to get into Agility and do many competitions! I loved watching agility show since I could remember and it will be amazing to actually compete in one :]
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Charles Xavier (9-19-11)
a 75% Corgi and 25% Sheltie Mix
I Have my first little boy that I got 11-6-11 :D
He is the quietest puppy I have ever had, he loves sleeping and chewing on his Giraffe. Luckily refuse's to go potty in the house (Which is awesome!)He also has the two bluest eyes that will stare at you with a goofy little grin :) I love him to pieces!
I have:
Corgi mix

Comment Wall:

  • Mal Schaal

    Congrats on your new puppy. Adorable!!
  • susieq59

    Welcome to this website.  Your puppy is adorable!  Congrats on soon becoming a Corgi owner!  I remember how excited we were as the date approached to pick our Oliver up!

    Have fun!

  • Zigward & Kimberly

    Charles Xavier is above and beyond beautiful! That's crazy:) Do you think his ears are gonna poke up, or that they'll stay down?:D

    By the way, I'm Kymii and welcome to mycorgi:D

  • Zigward & Kimberly

    Awh yay! I love those pokey little corgi ears! And since he's a mix, he won't be so nuts about working-unless.. Well, since shelties are also herding dogs.. so I don't know how that works out ahahaha.. But yeah he's WAY too cute!

    Seeing all these adorable puppies everywhere is really tough lol.. And it's making me nervous! Before I saw this site, I didn't even really know that corgis came in more than two colors lmao... And now it's like.. There are so many different variations of cute! What do I do!?!?!

  • Zigward & Kimberly

    Yes, yes.. I was thinking of doing so anyhow lol

    Joking, but I wish I could haha. If I had a nice HUGE house and a doggy helperer xD Like poo picker upper haha.

    Agility? I was looking into that, it seems pretty fun, but really intense too:D I'm gonna do it also but I think I want to do other stuff too. When I get my puppy, I'm going to be going nuts with training and such as soon as he's of age! Always gonna be having fun haha:)

  • susieq59

    Our breeder wouldn't allow us to pick him up until he was eight weeks old.  Bet you are having fun! 

    I love his markings and colors. 

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Aurora and Charles Xavier (yeah, X-men!). Wow, he does have amazing eyes. Congratulations!