

Marietta, GA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Mostly crazy. Has too much time and too little to do (or is the other way around?). Loves horses, soccer, her one immediate and two adopted families, her corgi, and opera. Recently obtained BA in Music from Centre College and eager to live in a roomy cardboard box and eat sheet music as she goes the grad school route for vocal performance. Interests include getting lost, extreme muffin baking, falling asleep in odd places, singing obnoxious songs before 8AM, and dominating word games while occasionally flexing her prowess at chess.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Bobby (Cadnoclun's Robertelee) is a six mo brindle cardi that I purchased from the wonderful Liz Hillebrand. He treads softly across the kitchen floor but always carries a large appetite. Favorite activities include sleeping underneath the piano bench with Mr. Fishy (the one toy he will never give up), running around the house trying to get his elderly aunt Lydia to play, chewing socks, stealing towels from the bathroom to chew on in other rooms, napping on his back and snoring, vacuuming in an eco-friendly way across the kitchen floor, and staring nonchalantly at his owner across the yard every time she calls, "Bobby come!!!"

Lydia is an elderly black and white corgi who lives like a duchess in the house with two down pillows and a jar of peanutbutter with her name on it. Her favorite past times include napping in sun spots, napping on her pillows, napping where she is in the way of human traffic, chasing geese (for which she has a vengeance) while napping, and eating in between naps.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Elizabeth, Bobby and Lydia! I really enjoyed reading your profile - I love the way you write! You have a way with words. If the music thing doesn't work out, you could go into writing :)

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hello and Welcome!!
  • christy fry

    welcome to my corgi!!