Amy Freed


Alanson, MI

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
A new journey begins today (4/16/11) with the adoption of Harley. My girl friend and I picked him up from a former breeder whose step daughter owned him, but was being deployed. We drove to a horse show about 35 miles from home to get him. I feel so much better and the hole that was left by MaGuire's passing has started to heal. I have a "new" little one:)
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Harley is 3 years old and is much quieter than I expected. He's a red-headed, Tri and very soft. And he's in need of a bath, some of his shots and some rest. We will need to get adjusted to each other, but I'm so thankful to have him. I got him a new bed and chicken/rice dog food for his homecoming.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Tammey & Caven

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Marvel and MaGuire! He looks great, especially for over 13 years old! I have a 15 year old corgi mix that I adopted from the pound, and I sure wish he could talk so I know where he spent the first 10 years of his life and how his life was.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hello and Welcome!!
  • Edward and Gemima

    Welcome!! MaGuire's story is bittersweet! I'm so glad you've found each other!!!He sure looks like a happy guy!!!

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Sam Tsang

    Hi Amy, Cindi informed me that you're look for a corgi to adopt. If you are interested, feel free to ask me any questions. Here's the link to the cardis.
  • Sam Tsang

    Thank you Amy, I'll keep an eye out and keep you in mind :) Have a great day!
  • Lance, Tucker & Kristin <- Is that the Tucker you saw, because that is the one we may adopt! :]
  • Lance, Tucker & Kristin

    Then that's great! I was able to meet him yesterday and he is just the sweetest little corgi you could ever imagine! He left in the runs of our shelter, then somebody adopted him and returned him back because he was shedding too much... poor Tucker! That is not an excuse to return your dog, corgi's do shed a lot. I don't think that person read up about corgi's ahead of time. But when I was able to meet him, we were put in the kitchen... I bet you could guess what Tucker was doing... he was looking and sniffing out the food! LOL. It was so cute, and all he wants is some love. He is very playful and I sure hope we can adopt him! We may have his house check today, so we will be able to know soon enough if we can bring Tucker home for good!
  • Solomon & Naomi's Page

  • Brittany and ruger

    im sorry about your corgi thats sad dogs are like your children in ways i had a dog named missy i adopted and had for a few year and she died three years ago i tookit pretty hard recently i got my corgi Ruger Redcloud and cant be happier i love him somuch even though it took me three years to get another dog i couldnt be happier i hope everything gos good for you and you find another corgi that you will love
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Congrats on rescuing Harley, so glad you found each other and your persistance paid off!!!  Looking forward to seeing pics of Harley!!  Love your profile pic!!
  • Bev Levy

    Congrats on finding Harley! He looks really cute.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    If you want to leave a message on someones page, just click on their icon/profile pic and it will take you right to the page to make a comment.  I got your message on the pic too, that worked too.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    How are you doing?
  • Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug

    Congratulations to you and Harley on your new friendship.  He's a great looking tri, brings back memories of my old pal Watson.  I hope you and Harley have many happy adventures together.


  • Corgis and Jess

    I'm so glad you adopted Harley.  He looks like my Sally.  She too is very quiet but when someone strange comes around she's the watchdog of the 3 Corgis I have.  Harley will help heal your heart in time.  He looks like he needs you as much as you need him.  Take care!
  • Corgis and Jess

    From Jessica (Corgis and Jess) and the pack (Jake, Sally, Chloe & Coco).