Christy Lyn


West Frankfort, IL

United States

Profile Information:

Prescott, Az
About Me:
I'm a mom of two, well three including Mater, I love life, ,y kids, my mom, and my Corgi.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
His name is Mater he is 6 1/2 months old. He is a card. His personality is auesome. He makes us laugh and is so loving, he loves to cuddle. Playing catch the kids is his favorite game. He likes to play tag also. it's funny he actually takes turns you tag him, he'll chase, he catches your pants, he will take off and wait for you to catch him. He has brought so much joy into my life. He is also a good foot warmer, that is his favorite spot to sit. His choice of toys include empty detergant bottles? And as for milk bones, no way, not into them. Another of his fav games is get mommy's fuzzy socks and run from her with them, he never chews them up, but likes to hide them. He is a hugger, paws on shoulder head near neck, the whole thing, and he hates to be called "bad", just like my kids he don't like anyone mad at him. but i would not trade him for the world. Truthfully never thought about getting a corgi, but fel in love with him, as soon as he looked at me..
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Ed and Michelle

    Welcome! Mater is one handsome guy.I have never seen a pembroke with a tail. I like it! :)
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Christy and Mater! Mater is such a cutie...I'm biased because he looks just like my Sidney, complete with tail!
  • Geri & Sidney

    Hard to say if he'll be aggressive. I'd recommend obedience classes before you go just so he knows who's in charge. Then be prepared for how corgis play! They "fake bite" and make these weird little squealy noises. They also like to "wrestle" where they get on their hind legs and "hug", like sumo wrestlers. It looks like a fight but tails (or nubs) are wagging the whole time. You'll know if it is a real fight if the noises become snarls. Many non-corgi people freak out, thinking its a fight going on.
  • Tammey & Caven

  • Tammey & Caven

    Thanks for adding us as your friends!!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Edward and Gemima

    GreetScraps - -Ning Comments!
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

  • pat and mike

    Christy - living in Maryland now. You have a very cute little baby. I noticed the cute little tail and then saw you live in WF. My grand dad lived there yrs ago, owned an appliance store and had a farm. I was in Benton a couple of yrs ago (dad died) and have not been back. How'd you wind up in WF?

  • pat and mike

    we are in maryland, near annapolis, in pasadena. used to live in colorado too - denver. we got trudy after moving here and wish we had her all along.
  • Tammey & Caven

    Lov the new profile pic. Mater looks like a little king on a mountain!