Sharon F


Stratford, CT

United States

Profile Information:

Stratford, CT
About Me:
I live with my 11 month old Cardi, Dover Lin. I had a Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Chewy, whom I had to put down last summer due to cancer. Chewy was the most amazing dog ever, and I never thought I could love another as much, but now I have Dover and she's as great, if not better!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Dover is an 11 month old Cardi, who is a brindle. She loves to play frisbee and is pretty good at it. She also loves to swim, which I was surprised by since my Pem, Chewy, hated the water. I'm looking forward to opening my pool to see how she takes to it, I'm sure we'll both have a great summer. Dover has her own Facebook page (search for Dover Lin).
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Sharon and sorry about Chewy.
  • christy fry

    welcome to my corgi !
  • Derek

    Welcome. I live in MA and I was wondering where you got your Cardi from?
  • Michelle

    AAWW....I am rather partial to those brindle cardis...... Welcome!!!
  • Derek

    I wish I had known that before, though she probably did not have any litters 3 years ago. I went all over the internet, consulted the CWCCA website, and eventually found a breeder who competed in the AKC who did not breed all the dogs just for sale. She bred her dogs to produce champions when she felt she had room. So the litters were well spaced out. She was very kind but she was in Oklahoma. So Miranda had a plane ticket and came to MA. I will have to remember that breeder if I can convince my fiancee to add another to the pack. Though now that I have adopted i dont know if I could ever go back to a breeder. Morgan is so perfect and he was about to be put down. I cannot stand to thnk of the others in the same position.
  • Alice

    Welcome! Dover is a cutie pie! Where is she from?
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Alice

    That's good that you were able to get one locally. We had to drive out of state to get Finnigan.

    Thanks for the compliment. :)