Amber Nelson


Oakley, UT

United States

Profile Information:

Park City, UT 84060
About Me:
Happily living an outdoor life.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I have a heeler / corgi mix. Looks like a heeler, but the corgi personality is strong in this one.
I have:
Corgi mix

Comment Wall:

  • Jane Christensen

    Welcome! Your dog is beautiful:) What's it's name???

  • John Wolff


    There's someone here named.... Anne Pinkerton I think.  She has a border cardy.

    I've often fantasized about a Pembroke with both copies of the dwarfing gene deleted -- I work in a genetics lab -- the dwarfing gene is well-known, quite interesting, a long thread about it here somewhere -- what would a Pembroke be like without it?

    Presumably, your dog has 1 copy.  I'd like to see more photos of your dog.

    I've met only 1 Australian kelpie -- looked like about the physique I'd want -- but I sure like the Pembroke personality.