Evan Needham


Bothell, WA

United States

Profile Information:

Bellingham, WA
About Me:
Corgi lover in Washington.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
First Corgi was True Grit Whisper Vermouth (Barbie) from Sunny Garden Farms. She was a great dog and unfortunately recently passed away (5/11/14). We are hoping to get one of her grandchildren soon.
I have:
No corgi

Comment Wall:

  • vicky hyde

    Evan, thank you so much for the friending. I am so, so very sorry for your loss. Barbie was nothing but a darling, sweet, loving sweetheart..... when Sandy told me , I cried my eyes out and am still crying. and Joker is just as sweet as his mother.. he is a very feeling dog..... he went on to make his mom and dad very proud...... I truly can't wait until you get one of his pups. I know that puppy will have a wonderful, loving home and that is very important to me and to Sandy. Joker's dad Jack, is still with me. He just turned 14 in April.....  a friend of mine that is getting a Joker puppy posted up Barbie's pictures on FB and many, many people sent in their condolences.....

    Thank you for being there for her in her final days. She will be missed. :(

  • vicky hyde

    I have one picture. will have to find Joker's baby book. Jack and Barbie had 5 puppies but sadly only 2 survived. that would be Joker and Jinx. I kept Joker and Jinx is down in Illinois.......