Molly Przybelinski


North East, PA

United States

Profile Information:

Vernon, NJ
About Me:
I'm a 24-year-old tri-color welsh corgi owner. Scarlet is one of the best things to have ever happened to me! I have a BA in Music Education, and I'm back in school for Culinary Arts. I bake cupcakes, drink coffee, and have lots of tattoos. Cool :-D
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Scarlet (her full name is Scarlet Commander) is a 4 year old tri-color welsh corgi. She has an amazing disposition and loves to growl at squirrels. She like wearing bandanas and cuddling up on my pillow at bedtime. She's amazing!
I have:

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  • Jessica Lea & Sydney

    Scarlet is absolutely adorable! Her pictures and videos bring a huge smile to my face. The squirrel costume is especially amazing.
  • Jessica Lea & Sydney

    Yes, that is Sydney. It's amazing watching her grow through pictures. The anticipation over each new picture is crazy! The puppies are all so cute.
  • Leasa

    Molly Your Scarlet is a beauty :)

    Trinity Corgis