

Hydro, OK

United States

Profile Information:

Hydro, OK
About Me:
Wife, Mom of two young men who recently married and blessed us with our first precious granddaughter.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Sophie is my second Corgi and a wonderful companion. She was easily housetrained and has yet to meet anyone she doesn't like! Pretty much the perfect dog......except for the shedding! I guess that's why we have "fur"niture!
I have:

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  • Lauren and Daisy

    Hi, Since you live in Oklahoma Im assuming you got your corgi from corgi breeder Robin West.When i went on her website I saw a little corgi pup named Sophie. By the way Daisy has the same bed as Sophie! Have a good one!
  • Lauren and Daisy

    That is very sad that your little dog got ran over.
  • LuvMyCorgis

    Hi Chris, and thanks for adding us as friends. We are very familiar with the Hydro area as my husband was born and raised in Clinton. He went to Rx school at Southwestern. I did, too (not Rx school, though).