Judith Andre


Lincoln, NE

United States

Profile Information:

Lincoln, NE
About Me:
I have owned (?) Corgis for 20 years. I also have an Abyssinian cat. I am an artist (kilnformed glass) and a landlord, an avid (flower/container) gardener, walker, "do-it-your self-er". I always have more ideas and projects than I can possibly get done.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Murray (born late 2007)is a red and white Corgi with huge ears. We have been taking agility classes since last summer. He loves it and is fast and enthusiastic, but sometimes decides he would rather make up his own course. If it's a game, he loves it...obedience, not so much. He's a 33 pound "lap Corgi" who will climb into any available lap. We go to the dog run frequently and he especially likes playing with and "herding" bigger dogs. Swimming, slides, keep away, snow, and massages are some of his favorite things. I could go on.......he makes me laugh every day. Since I wrote this we started competing in agility which we both love...very fun!
I have:

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  • Rachael & Waffle

    His scores were 179, 179, and 181.  If he had sat even once during our last trial, he could have gotten first! But, he got bored...  We've taken 21 weeks of classes for Agility.  I left the area and couldn't find a new trainer I liked.  We'd probably only compete in Jumpers if we ever do compete in agility.  Rally looks ridiculously easy, but also REALLY FUN, so we might do that while we train for Open obedience. :D

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Happy Belated birthday Murray!!!!  How cool they are bith the same age!!!  

  • Kylee Karre

    Thanks, Judith! I see you're in Lincoln. I lived there for 18 years before moving to Omaha. It's great to hear from another corgi lover in Nebraska! Thank you for the welcome!