Cassondra Wilkins


Lima, OH

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Finally got my corgi baby
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Has a wonderfully rambunctious boy named Watson Ein Wilkins who is now 11 months old!
I have:

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  • Zigward & Kimberly

    Hey.. Good luck getting a puppy:D I am also myself trying to get a corgi pup:) I was supposed to get this one about a week back.. But thanks to the landlords, that's a no go:( I'm sorry that you didn't get one for your bday, but look at it this way----at least you'll get to go pick out your pup if you get one as a non surprise hahaha:) Always a bright side to life-I've always wanted a dog as a bday present, but not a corgi because I want to kind of fall into love with my pup when I see him for the first time then decide that he has to be coming home with me-and if that takes time.. At least I know it will happen eventually!
  • Annaglen + Piper!!

    Aw, thanks for the comment! At this point, we're not sure which one we will get but I'm going to love her no matter what :D I think my heart is pulling for the little brown girl. She was terrific! They're both terrific!

  • Marcia Friemoth

    Have you found a puppy yet? I might know of someone in Waynesfield that is expecting a litter