Connie, Abby & PJ


Manchester, ME

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
With our youngest a senior in college, my husband and I now have 2 corgis! They keep us very busy, and I still haven't figured out how the household now revolves around 2 dogs!! We are very active in dog training, and have learned a lot in the 1 1/2 yrs since Abby joined the family.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Abby is now about 1 1/2 yrs, and weighs 24 lbs. She has earned her CGC, and also APDT Rally Titles in Puppy Level and Level 1. She is very active, loves to chase the ball and run, and is very bossy. PJ is 5 mos, and weighs 17 lbs. He is slower and more thoughtful about things, and is a laid-back go with the flow little guy. He is learning Rally, but is still too young to trial (soon!) and will be starting a CGC class soon.
I have:

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  • Sue Taylor

    Callie took a beginner glass in agility. She learned jumps but everything was on the ground, so she didn't have to leap at all. She has been working on weave poles, and tunnels mostly. No one mentioned that she should get her hips checked. She mostly learned what all the equipment was and not to be fearful in the ring or around other excited dogs and people. She seems to love it.
  • Sue Taylor

    Best wishes on your upcoming trials. I know you will do well...These Corgis seem to love performing.
  • Ellen Andersen

    Happy Memorial Day Everyone!