

Saint Paul, MN

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I got a corgi about 2 years ago and I am in love with the breed now. I would love to get another someday!! I am a Dental Hygienist and love the Minnesota Twins.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Bella is my girl and she will be 3 in May. The first year she was a little hyper and liked to nip a lot but she has really settled down and is a very lovable corgi and a treat to be around:). She would love to get together with other corgis to play!
I have:

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  • Josh Parker

    That would be fun to set a play date!
  • Danijela

    Courtney, our Leo is just over a year...and still a very hyper guy. Never aggressive, but sometimes he is out of our control with his friendly excitement & barking. Did you have Bella go through a training or did she just calm down after a while?
    She has the cutest smile...
  • Alejandra

    Bella is a perfect name for such a beautiful looking girl.