

Zanesville, OH

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I adopted my Corgi from my brother. He's an absolutely amazing dog. I have fallen in love with him and the breed. So smart and funny!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My corgi is young, a little over a year old. I just had to have his older "brother" put to sleep in December, he was 16 and just wasnt doing well... Ludo has been a life saver through the whole thing, he misses his brother but is always there for me when I come home, amazingly loving and supportive. He's so funny to watch, gets along well with my 2 cats. He's a wonderful dog, couldnt ask for a better friend!
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  • Lauren + Winston

    Ya know.. I forget her name but she has a website. I got winston actually from her friend who breeds corgis but I went through her to get winston.. I told her I had about $250 and I think her corgis are a little bit higher priced so that's why she gave me one of her friends but she has a very informal website... also if you're thinking about adopting from a shelter I suggest going to and you just type in your zipcode and what type of pet you're looking for and they'll find corgis of all ages in shelters in or around your area.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's
