Debbie Landrie


Ellensburg, WA

United States

Profile Information:

Tumwater, WA
About Me:
Well, I'm a teacher but would rather be home with our dogs and horses. Someday.....
I love to do anything that involves the out doors - fishing, hiking, boating, horseback riding & camping.
I live with my husband on a small farm (10 acres) where we raise our dogs and horses.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
We have four loving corgis. Our oldest is Mitzie she is 9 years old - she started our love of the breed. We also have Max - a 4 year old black headed tri and the man of the house. Mari is a 2 year old red headed tri - very petite. Nia is almost 2 and a red headed tri - she has such a pretty face.
I have:

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  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    whoops, bottom right of the page. LOL. actually the photo accompanied my text.
  • LaVerne & Shirley

    Hi Deb!
    Thanks for your compliment about LaVerne. She is incredibly smart and so is Shirley. I have been keeping them both very busy. LaVerne is in Rally Obedience and doing very so well. I swear she can read the signs better than I Shirley is in Agility and just graduated into the Agiltiy 2 class. So much fun. She is a bundle of energy. I dont let her jump more than 8 inches. Im not sure when its safe for her to jump higher. Ive been looking at your puppies and wishing I could get another! They are so cute! I've been spreading the word. Everyone loves my dogs and asks where they came from so I always give them your web address.
    When you get a chance check out the photos of Shirley I posted on this site. She is adorable. She and LaVerne have really been good for each other. I havent had any problems but I am with them all day every day. Poor things dont have a chance to get into
    Well its "Dog Days" in Leavenworth today so I think I will pack up the dogs and go check it out. Thanks for the note. It was great hearing from you. Take care and enjoy your weekend!
  • LaVerne & Shirley

    I saw on your website that Max retired and Nia moved away! ;o( Oh my gosh Gus is perfect! Keep me posted on your breeding program. My sister is going to want a black headed tri but not right away.