
38, Female



Profile Information:

About Me:
Just your average undergrad student studying in Japan. Being a first time dog owner, there's still plenty for me to learn! So i appreciate any tips and comments offered :) Thanks!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My baby boy's name is Ein (yes, very corny, I know, but I couldn't help it! I wanted a PWC named Ein ever since I watched Cowboy Bebop!).
I personally think I spoilt him just a little bit too much? But that doesn't make me love him any less!
His given name is "Kick of Himeji New Pain". OMG! PAIN! But they pronounce it as "Pine" in Japanese. I didn't know about his name until about 6 months later, when they sent me his pedigree. He was born on the 26th of October 2007 to a family that decided to sell him to a pet shop in another city :(
I got him when he was 5 1/2 month old, from a pet shop nearby, being inexperienced and all. I just fell in love the moment I saw him in that tiny glass cubicle and knew that I had to bring him home (well, technically my bf got him for me ^-^;;).
And wallah~ My life with my handsome little baby boy began :)
I have:

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