Macie Linne & Holli Berri

30, Female

Windsor, CO

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
My name is Macie Linne and i live in Colorado. I love my little corgi to death! She is my world (: I am i major volleyball player and photographer. Love being outside and in the mountains.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I Love my Corgi! She is soo adorable!
She is Unqiue in every way!
She loves walks and and to lay on her back and pretend to snore. She loves to wear bandanas too.
Her name is Holli Berri.
She is a smaller corgi Her dads name was: Texastwotoes and mothers name: Unknown?!?!?!
She was born in San Antonio Texas and sent to Florida that where i got her
She loves animal planet she watches the dog shows all nite till the corgis come on:)
Corgi loves the song Gummy Bear. She pops around and barks and spins in circles.
I Just Moved from Fort Myers FL on a bigg 3 day drive i got to sit with my MOMMY!
I have:

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  • Shippo & Koga Corgis

    Hi, how are you doing? Haven't seen you at the meetups yet. There's another big one on Dec. 5th!
  • Nicola Porter

    Thank you for your concern about out little lost Ellie, she slipped her collar so she doesn't have that on. She is microchipped and all I want is to see her again.
  • Mother Earth

    I moved to Ault this summer from Fort Collins. Look forward to meeting you and your dog one of these days. I adopted to Cardigans two months ago. Emily and her daughter, Olivia, age 9.