
37, Female

Auburn, WA

United States

Profile Information:

Federal Way, WA
About Me:
Hi! My name is Chelsey and I'm a professional sign language interpreter. I graduated college in 2008 and got married to my sweetie shortly after that. My husband and I are got our corgi puppy at the end May! We both grew up around big dogs but I fell in love with a friends corgi while in college and was determined the first dog I'd get in life would be a corgi! After years of waiting that time is finally here! WOOHOO! We were planning on getting a little girl but after even more consideration we settled for a boy and couldn't be more happy about it!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Hank DIESEL Jr. is the cutest little man ever! He is the first dog both my husband and I have had on our own. We love him and all his silly qualities. He loves romping around and when he sits down onthe hardwood he pushes backwards with his front feet to move around if he's too close to something!
I have:

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  • Carol Rea

    Thought I recognized the area! Next year we should plan a corgi meet up - there's a woman with 2 in La Pine and a woman in Hermiston, and those are just 2 I know about! Hope you enjoyed our special area, we sure do (somedays, I miss being in town)

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Thanks so much for the sweet comments on Lances page. :) We love him soooo much. I cant stop taking pictures of him, lol. Hank is adorable, looking forward to watching him grow through pics on mycorgi, maybe even some video. Not only cant I stop taking pictures of him, the videos are getting up there too. haha.
  • Yuki Norton

    how old is your handsome little guy?