Allison Musick


Selmer, TN

United States

Profile Information:

Selmer, TN
About Me:
I decided it was time to update this. I've had my Corgi for almost 2 years now and we definitely have a unique relationship out of all the other dogs I've known. Recently we've both been through a life changing experience with the birth of my first child on March 1st, 2010. Although my time and attention is understandably monopolized by my baby right now, my Corgi has taken it all in stride. We have slowly resumed our exercise regime, with baby added to the party, and this seems to suit everyone just as well. I can't wait for the toddler years and beyond...I'm sure my baby will grow to be a Corgi lover!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I have a feisty female named Heidi who was born July 22, 2008. Heidi turns up her nose at conventional dog toys and instead prefers sticks, flowers, and leaves. I think she's an aspiring vegan. Right now we're taking plenty of time to learn basic obedience skills and manners, but since Corgis live 10-20 years, I suppose there's really no rush. She can do "sit" reliably well, but everything beyond that apparently seems pointless to her...especially "lay down." Telling Heidi to lay down gets a bored, indulgent leaning toward the ground, as if to say "How bout if I lean down...I'm so short, what's the difference really?" She has yet to display the infamous Corgi appetite, about which I'm not sure whether to be concerned or delighted. I did tell her when she was 5 months old that if she didn't start eating more, the whole breed would be ashamed of her. That day she ate an extra bowl of puppy chow. However she usually only eats 1 bowl a day (2 if I'm lucky and she's bored), and she's been this way ever since I brought her home at 8 wks. Every now and again she seems to be offended by the existence of the toes on her back feet, and attacks them with gusto, usually falling over on her side in the process. She makes a little "Ow-roo" sound at the end of her yawn. Her favorite sleeping position is still flat on her back, with or without a hind leg sticking up in the air. She has a fun trick that I call "the face bop" where if I look at her the right way and nod my head toward her, she'll leap forward and bop me in the face for reasons I can only guess at. :) She's very weird, and I love her SO very much!
I have:

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  • Alexandra

    the tail is within the standard in Russia and England as I know, and I guess you know that Green Peace phohibits cutting off tails)))
  • Brittany Nelson

    Hello. The place to vote for Luna is on the right of the page in a vote box. You push the circle beside Luna's name then push vote.
  • Brittany Nelson

    The pictures are on the page too. near the bottom.