

Riverside, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Huntington Beach, CA
About Me:
I am a girl with a Corgi, a Persian cat, & a little black cat. I love working with & being surrounded by animals. I admire their ability to provide unconditional love & that they are non-judgmental. More than I can say about most humans :) They don't care if you're ugly or awkward or a little strange. It started when I was a little kid. I had many cats that were my friends & served as comfort to me. Then when I got Phoebe, I came to appreciate dogs. To me, our relationship is symbiotic.
About My Corgi(s):
My Corgi's name is Phoebe & she is 8 years old. I've had her since she was 3 months. Unfortunately, she is overweight but she's working on it :) Big girls need love too! Feebz likes food, going on walks, & spending time with her Grandpa (my dad). He calls her his Grand-dogg. He takes her to job sites, Home Depot, & concerts in the park. I wish Feebz was a little more active , but she just chills most of the day & wants nothing to do with fetching. She's always been a pretty mellow dog.

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  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Phoebe and family!
  • Merlin's Parents

    Hi Phoebe! Meet Merlin (that's him over there in the avatar). Just like you Merlin is a little on the chunky side and he has to watch his weigh toot. He did manage to lose 5 pounds over the past year - and if Merlin The Food Loving Corgi can lose weight so can you!

    What a gorgeous girl she has beautiful markings.  the photo on the beach and in the chair are wonderful