

Fort Worth, TX

United States

Profile Information:

Fort Worth
About Me:
I am a mom of 7 kids, 6 boys and 1 girl. They keep me very busy. I am also working on my masters degree in teaching. I am a stay at home mom which I enjoy more than anything. I am very fortunate. Plus I get to be around my corgi all day.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I am owned by a wonderful, loving friend, Maggie Mae. Yes she owns me, which all of you out there that have corgi's will understand what I am saying. She loves to play with my children and is always making sure everyone is happy and ok. She loves to play fetch, go for walks, and spend time with the family. Everyone calls her my little shadow because she is always following me around.She does not like to be alone. Maggie gives so much to our family and never expects anything in return.
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  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Glad to hear Maggie is doing much better, thats great news! We also stay away from bones of any kind because Lance is such the destructive chewer. He hasnt been able to destroy the Kong thank goodness but I think its because there is food involved, lol. He has to lick at it to try and get the food out! I have also had good luck with planet dog toys from and the waggle from busybuddy which is available at target, it also is food orientated! He has to have something to play with though! The balls from planetdog are rated according to strength and I only get the ones rated 5 out of 5 chewometers! They are squissy when they chew on them which Lances like but cant chew them, thank goodness. I know how you feel when it comest to finding safe toys for our corgis. Its tough. Thanks for the compliment on Lance. : ) Maggie is soooo adorable!! : )
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Your Welcome : ) I love, I totally hear you on the tummy, lol.
  • Lilo Bandit & Koda's mom Shannon

    Thank you for the prayers, me and Shorty need them. I will be posting new posters this weekend with LARGE REWARD on them... maybe someone will finally come forward. I really feel like someone in the neighborhood has him. I am sure I probably look like a stalker riding around at all times of the day and night at about 5 mph through the neighborhood. Oh well... LOL