Rose & Little Winry


Savage, MN

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I'm Rose! I'm married to a wonderful guy named Mike, and generally amused by most things. I love movies, books, video games, TV shows, and being around people who make me laugh.
Together we have two cats, Kairi Faye & Kira Butters, and a little Pembroke Welsh Corgi named Winry. <3
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Little Winry is our first corgi, and we brought her home March 30th 2012.
She is a very happy clever little girl :) Her antics and tricks always make me smile, and we love her a LOT!
I have:

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  • Laina and Klaus

    what show is winry from? Dont tell me thats harry potter xD
  • Laina and Klaus

    haha awesome! Seen portions of that anime. I should get my anime collection going again start with that one :)
  • Katie Mendoza

    Hi Guys!!

    We live around yall but can't seem to find a herding class around us. I saw in your pics you had of Winry herding, where did yall go?