

Phoenix, AZ

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
My husband and I lived in Santa Barbara before we ventured to Arizona and it was there I saw my first Corgi puppy. My husband really had been wanting to get a dog (when we married I came with "the girls"... 2 female cats). So for my birthday he surprised me with an 8 week old Corgi. Dash was born February 5th 2009 to a tri color dad and a red mom. The girls are not to thrilled but my husband and I adore him.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Is too much fun!
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Alice

    Just to say thank you for all the advice and information you've given. Have a great day! :)
  • Katie and Yuki

    I love his brown bunny tail and his caramel body ^_^ Corgi's coloring never ceases to amaze me
  • Rosemary Tilton

    Adrienne , I was in the process of re-homing a male corgi from my breeder. She got the dog from a women who lived near her. She notice that the pup had a flare up on his face so she keep him separated from her crew. Over the weekend Spuddy would not leave his face alone, after the vets visit and numerous test he was diagnosed with Lupus. Their are different stages and meds that can be used. Check with your vet and if you would want my breeder's e-mail to talk to her let me know....................Rosemary