Cj & Lizzy


West Palm Beach, Florida

United States

Profile Information:

Wake Village, Texas
About Me:
Hi, my name's Lizzy. (: I'm 19-years young & recently moved to Florida to live with my boyfriend Cj. I've always wanted a corgi since I was younger & finally got one on September 30th! He's such a beautiful little puppy & I'm so proud of how fast he's learning things. (:

My boyfriend & I decided to get one because he had never even heard of one before. (Shocking, I know. :p) I showed him a picture online & he immediately fell in love... we HAD to have one! (: Now we have little Remy & even though we haven't known him for very long, he's the best thing in the entire world!
About My Corgi(s):
One little Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Remy, who was introduced to our family on September 30th. (: He's the best little thing ever!

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  • Karen & Bailey

    oh oh and dont worry too much about the nipping, if your consistent with the OWs! and time outs (tie him to a stationary object and turn your back) or put him in a blocked-off corner, hell learn that nipping = bad. i used to be so mad at Bailey for putting holes in my socks and nipping my hand, but he, thank goodness (and to me), he broke it pretty quick!
  • Worthington Natalia

    Hey, just stopping by to say that judging by the photos your cute Remy has quite a personality:)
  • Elaine

    Love the picture of Remy with the empty water bowl, turned up with his head in it. Sable used to paddle the empty water bowl as a way to tell me that he wanted more, please!