mia, herky, & kim


Mitchellville, IA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Stay at home first time Corgi owner, watch my 2 grandsons and Herky ( Mia's Corgi brother). Also have 2 more "furbabies" Freckles and Duke (sheltie mix), 9 years old
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Mia, born August 6, 2010, is my baby and so much fun
Herky, born August 6, 2010, Mia's brother, I watch during the day while his family (my son) is at work
UPDATE: I have now adopted herky and he is ALL mine!
I have:

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  • Mitch

    Hi Kim,

    well, there will be at least three or four people at the meetup.  We also know some non-mycorgi.com people who have corgis and we invited them; we have also invited all the corgi-owning dog park regulars.  I hope as many as possible show up--it would kind of awesome to meet Herky (I worked at UI for about 4 months before I figured out that he's the mascot, der).

  • LA Stewart


    I read what you said about "Itchy Dog" and Wynne has that allergy issue.  It started 2 years ago when she was a bit over 1 year old.  I hoped it was a one time thing, but it came back last year with a vengence.  It always starts mid-August for her, so I have been watching her.  She already seems to over react when I rub her belly and that is usually the first sign.  I called the vet and picked up pills so I am ready. *sigh*  I hate that she goes through this every year.  She hates when we have to soak her feet about every other day, but it does help her.

    Hope Herky makes out OK this year.


  • LA Stewart

    Kim, I noticed the Iowa Event on the Main Page for July.  Is that the one you tried 2 years ago or is this something new?  I wondered if you would be attending. 

    Have you changed your E-mail?  I wrote you on June 5th and never got a reply.  I wanted to know if we should do an Illinois Corgi Picnic this year or not.  I wanted your feedback.  I guess my problem is that I want to go to one, but I don't really want to plan it.  I guess part of the problem is that we had to cancel due to the weather last year.  It is hard to do the planning and then not get to reap the rewards.   I like doing CORGI-CON because it is here in town, but Freeport os so far away.  Let me know how you are feeling about it.  Also, let me know if you have changed your E-mail address.

    Thanks, Lisa