

Sacramento, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Sacramento, CA
About Me:
I grew up in Tokyo, Japan, and came to the US as an exchange student when I was in high school. Went to a college in Massachusetts, then while doing an internship at Disneyworld in FL, I met my husband. After graduating from college, I moved to Orlando, got married, and acquired my Dee Dee girl. After moving around from Orlando to Atlanta, and then to Japan, we are finally now settled in Sacramento.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Brandy - we rescued Brandy from Sacramento SPCA on December 14, 2012. She is a 6 year old Pembroke. Much smaller than Dee Dee at 16 lb. She was chubby and round (26 lb.) when we got her because her previous owner did not walk her at all. Very cute and friendly dog with "motor" stubby tail which wags so so much.

Dee Dee was born in Ocala, FL on April 11, 2000. She had moved with us from Orlando, FL to Atlanta, GA, Akita, Japan, then finally to Sacramento. She lived to eat, greet, & sleep! She also loved snow, and enjoyed it very much while we lived in Japan, but we have no snow here in Sacramento. Although we took her to snow in the foothills at least once a year, I think she missed having the snow right outside the house!

She passed away on November 3, 2012. Our little girl is in heaven now.
I have:

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  • christina day

    Thanks for the info! You are very helpful. One last question, do the JR trains have a similar pet policy? Like for example, if I just wanted to take my dog from point A to point B within the city, would they let me take her on? Thanks again :)
  • christina day

    Youre awesome! Thanks for clearing up that mystery! Ill drop you a line if I think of anything else :) Have a good one!
  • Data the gremlin corgi!

    Data says Hi Dee Dee!