Marianne Timko

79, Female

Arvada, CO

United States

Profile Information:

Arvada, Colorado
About Me:
I am a widow taking care of my housemates 3 dogs plus mine. We have 2 Pembroke Corgis, 1 Jack Russell mix and a Boston terrier. We love them dearly.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Corgi just underwent double FHO surgery and is in recovery.
Brooke, her sister has mild symptoms of hip dysplasia. Corgi's surgery went well so far. Only two weeks after and she is in therapy. She is coming around but has to learn to walk all over again.
I have:

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  • Geri & Sidney

    Thanks again, Marianne, you have trylu been my "go to" person. Did you have to muzzle COrgi, did he try to bite you while doing the PT? Or did he take it like a trooper?
    We're lucky we have a hydrotherapy facility about 15 minutes from home. I always thought I'd have to use it for my elderly corgi mix Bruce, not a young fit Sidney!
  • Geri & Sidney

    Oh my gosh Marianne, that would be amazing! I know shipping can cost, though. I'd want to reimburse you for that. I'll head to your site once I get home from work. That is so thoughtful of!
  • Geri & Sidney

    Hi Marianne! I'm so glad to hear you are feeling better now. I've been thinking about you guys. If you look at Sidney's page you'll see a video I posted a few weeks ago of Sidney running around the dog park. We're up to walking a couple miles now, many times with no problem. When he walks, you can't see a limp or anything! His fur's almost all grown back, just the deep red is still a bit pale. He's not on any anti-inflammatory at the moment, but does get his glucosamine. I know that the water therapy made him really strong and limber :)

    Merry Christmas to you!