Gary Chandler

Lake Stevens, WA

United States

Profile Information:

Lake Stevens, WA
About Me:
Corgi enthusiast, participate in agility with them.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
"Teegan" - Ima Lowridn Harley, Tricolor Female 5yrs and "Tucker" -Hoedwigs Checkmate, Sable Male 3yrs
I have:

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  • Mal Schaal

    Love Tucker's close up, what a beautiful color!
  • Snickmom

    the pictures you posted on corgi photographers are barooootiful! And Teegan is such a perfect model.

  • Jenny, Tucker, & Zoey

    I saw your pictures in the Corgi Photographer's group and I have to say, your Teegan reminds me of my Zoey so much! Especially in the face! She is lovely.