Kate Whalen


Trabuco Canyon, CA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
live on a 2 acre hobby farm with lots of animals and LOVE my life!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
8 weeks old female, Parents are Meaghan and Gilby.
I have:

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  • M.

    Hi Kate! It's neat to see you on here. I hope Lena does a little better than Quinn on her drive home. Unfortunately we've got about an 8 hour drive back from Kim's, so we have our finger's crossed that she'll sleep the trip away but we're bringing supplies just in case. :)

    You'll have to post some pictures once Quinn gets older! We can't wait to see how these little guys grow up.
  • Clydell Lamkin

    Welcome Kate and pup. Can't wait to see the photos. Gilby is Bonny's dad also.
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Kate...what is your pup's name?