Mark Allen


Montgomery, PA

United States

Profile Information:

Elimsport, Montgomery PA
About Me:
I'm a visual artist/sculptor who lives in central/northeastern Pennsylvania with my partner Tracy and our pembroke welsh corgi London and our african fat-tailed gecko Mocha. I am a PSU alum & the art thing hasn't worked out and I've been having a rough time in the work force, my partner Tracy is a Mansfield alum & works in social services.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
London is a boy tri-color ("redhead") pembroke welsh corgi born 7-17-2009 and joined our family on 9-9-2009. He loves to hike, swim, roadtrips, socializing with other dogs and spending time with family.

London's favorite toys are his raccoon, black bear, and rooster skinneeez, his red loofa dog he modified into a skinneeez, "fishball", spikey green rubber flashing ball, Halloween pom-pom, his bugeyed squeeky cricket, and his rhino, lion, and gator zooballoons.

London's favorite treats include snawsoms, pig ears, meaty bones, bit-o-love,dehydrated apples, bully/pizzles, deer antlers, and cow hoves, pig "trotters".

I have:

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  • Alyssa & Chris W.

    Hi! London is so cute. We live in Montgomery, PA too. How crazy is that? Have a very happy and safe new year.
  • Alyssa & Chris W.

    We moved into the area in 2008 so we're sort of new, but Chris and I both went to Penn College and have lived in Williamsport prior to moving out to Montgomery. Its a nice little quiet town which was just what we were looking for. We did have a good Christmas and New Years. Murphy made out like a bandit. He got so much stuff. Lucky dog! How about you guys? Did London get everything he wanted? I hope 2011 is better for all of us. Happy New Year!
  • Alyssa & Chris W.

    I'm so sorry to hear about your unemployment. I hope you find something soon. I don't know what you'd be into doing for employment, but I do know that Penn College always seems to have openings. I don't know if there's anything open currently, but at least it could be something to look for. I'm also very sorry to hear about your mom and I hope things look up for her and that her health is restored.  I'm sorry that 2011 isn't what you had hoped for already, but its still just the beginning so there is a lot of time for things to look up so keep thinking positive and good luck!