Marty Lawfer


Louisville, KY

United States

Profile Information:

Louisville, KY
About Me:
I have two Pembroke Welsh Corgis, Dixie (6/14/95) and Tenby (11/25/04). They're my constant companions and roomies since my sons have grown up and moved on. (The dogs are way easier to live with than the boys!) I lost another Corgi, Dylan (1/8/97 -6/17/08) to hemangiosarcoma. He lived a great quality life for 19 months after his diagnosis. I miss him terribly.

I'm an attorney currently working for the government. I'm looking forward to the day I can retire and spend all day at home with the Corgis! I'm a graduate of the University of Kentucky with a BA in Political Science and the University of Louisville with a Juris Doctor.

I'm a fan of CorgiAid which helps pay medical expenses for rescued Corgis and Corgi mixes so that they may find their forever homes.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Dixie is an adorable 14 year old girl.
Tenby, a beautiful rascal who came to live with us in the summer of 2008.
I have:

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  • Wind Dial

    We didn't get any points but we did win our Am. Bred class on Sunday over the dog who went reserve on Saturday. I still think we did quite well, she is really maturing and looking so nice. I think she has matured even more since the show. Watch out show season Spring 2010.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Red Ribbon