Chakito y Lolita

Beachwood, OH

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
a couple from cleveland, with a love for welsh corgis with spanish names
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Chakito is a 3 year old Pembroke with boundless energy, infectious personality, and razor sharp smarts. He's our best friend.

Lolita is our new baby. She is about 16 weeks and is growing bigger and getting smarter every day. She and Chakito tire each other out on a daily basis. We have a couple great dogs!

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  • Elaine

    Yes, the markings are similiar. However, the breeder (and I) thought that Sable was gonna become, you know, more sable in color (hence the name), but became more of a redhead instead! LOL!
  • Max & Cody

    Great pix!
  • Molly Jane!

    Your pictures made my day! What cutie!