elly harper


Covington, LA

United States

Profile Information:

Covington, LA
About Me:
My husband and I have had two corgis, Betsy and Duchess. Betsy was adopted out to a corgi lover who had lost her 10 year old Pem. Betsy succumbed to cancer at the age of 8. Duchess was out friend for 13 years and held our hearts!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Duchess was a Pembroke. We just lost her last weekend due to DM, which she had for about 2 years. She was 13 years old.
I have:

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  • Susan Stanton

    Hi -- I got both of my pups from Tresaith. Bertie, the light of my life, will be 6 tomorrow! Gosh! He is the best. Then I got his niece 2 years ago. She is a feisty little scamp who likes to get into trouble, but she's a lovely girl. We couldn't be happier. And Jan is such a good soul, and likes to keep up with all of her pups and families -- I don't know how she does it, honestly! I'm so sorry about your bubby Duchess, she looks like such a sweetheart in the photos. Tell us about your new pup! Maybe we're related.
  • Susan Stanton

    Well, Ethel is now about 2 and a half, and at around 2, she started showing a little snarkiness. She and Bertie get along well and can eat side by side, but sometimes she'll just decide that something is "hers" and give him a get back growl. Once in a while she'll jump on him with that air snapping, vicious sound but no biting or contact. Bertie just tries to get out of the way and doesn't engage, except to protect himself. I can stop it with a loud, HEY! and then they both rush over to me, full of apologies. I've tried to figure out what makes her do that, but I have had no success. She's also a little bit wary of other dogs -- she doesn't like being sniffed for too long, she'll tolerate it, then park her butt on the ground, and if they still don't stop, air snap! But then she loves to chase and be chased, and she's great with people.... I think it's just her need to control situations sometimes. It's not aggression, it's something else. But we love her. I wonder though, if 2 boys would have been better....
  • Susan Stanton

    I will say, I do like having two. I think they appreciate the company when home alone, and they do play. When we walk in the woods, they follow each other around and swim together, then frap in unison, which is pretty fun to watch.