Ashley and Copper


Geneva, OH

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I'm 21 and I live in a small town. I have a boyfriend and I'm very busy. I love animals and I like to ride my fourwheeler
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
've had two corgi's in my life. My first one was named Pooh bear. He died last year. I now have Copper. He is 5 months old and just as funny and cute as my first one. I love Corgi's sooo much. They are quite possibly the cutest puppies EVER!
I have:

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  • Tiana & Ein

    Mine throws his own toy too! He also likes to bite my feet when they are underneath the blankets...... He is a little a** too. But he always finds a way to make me laugh.
  • Tiana & Ein

    If i can take him with me then i do. I take him to the dog park a lot. Do you tak copper places with you?? Einstein isn't bad with baths he just trys to bite the towel when i dry him.
  • Tiana & Ein

    He sounds so adorable and fun. Einstein also thinks that everything that goes int my hand is for him, I pick up something and he automatically starts doing tricks lol. I'm only 15 so i take him on walks all the time, If i could take him to school with me then i would! hahaha. He also trys to heard me when i run. He is so silly.